Kiwi Clicker - Juiced Up

Deliver more and more kiwis to satiate the kings' hunger - sacrifice their pulp and transcend beyond your fruital form!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42524872/37e64edc81a75a701527b2b87ef9b72958e30efa.png[/img] Hello, hello - how are y'all doing? It's been a little bit - I even managed to take a few days off! But we're back with another update about a week after that (me getting back, not the last update). This one contains the [b]second part of the Advanced Settings[/b], which are not numerous but are much more impactful than the smaller ones, with [b]highlights like Darkmode, the new unlockable Run Planner[/b] & toggleable letterboxing. Hope ya'll were holding out well enough - [b]new content updates are back on the menu![/b] Check the updated roadmap at the end of this post for more info on what lies ahead. [h2]RECAP - ADVANCED OPTIONS[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42524872/9ddff78951d3dfe4a882b37156da671eaa4c7379.png[/img] These updates added a new panel to the game's menu with features requested & voted on by players through the game's Discord! These were actually not just limited to options, but also included Quality of Life improvements as well. [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1980530/announcements/detail/3338877706788166449]To see previously added seettings, go here![/url] [h3]GAMEPLAY SETTINGS ADDED[/h3] [list][*] [b]SHOW ROYAL CEREMONY:[/b] When disabled, the kazoo & royal guard animations will not play anymore.[/list] [h3]VISUAL SETTINGS[/h3] [list][*] [b]DARKMODE:[/b] When enabled, completely changes the color scheme of the game so it's much darker [*] [b]LETTERBOX PLAYABLE AREA:[/b] When enabled, the game will automatically letterbox ultra-ultrawide and chonky resolutions to avoid visual issues. [*] [b]FRAMERATE SELECTOR:[/b] When v-sync is off, allows you to select the game's framerate cap. [*] [b]WINDOWED RESOLUTION:[/b] When fullscreen is off, allows you to select the game window's resolution.[/list] [h3]INTERFACE SETTINGS[/h3] [list][*] [b]RED FLASHING IN TRANSCEND TREE:[/b] When disabled, the transcendence screen will no longer flash while kings are alive.[/list] [h2]THE [strike]COMPLETELY UNCHANGED[/strike] ROAD AHEAD[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42524872/d71a088cac2fdc4ea3060d0b4a24b1da77ac39c2.png[/img] Alright - a new stop has been crossed-off! Wait, did it always look like that? (no) Less has changed than it might seem - the advanced options part was increased in size a little bit compared to what was originally planned, so the steam community items part popped out of it and made its own little castle. [h2]MINOR CONTENT & RANDOM EVENTS[/h2] This update will add Kiwi Clicker's take on those random things that pop on the screen randomly that you click and get some random bonus - but of course, it wouldn't be fun if it were just 'click thing, get random effect', would it? These new powers, as well as additional smaller effects and animations, will also be used to make the game support twitch integration - so that chatters can directly interact with what they're watching! [h2]STEAM CARDS & ALL THAT STUFF[/h2] This update isn't an update - it's all that steam stuff with cards, emotes and badges. It has its own castle now and is waiting on a few art assets to be finalized for it to come into fruition! [h2]ENDGAME UPDATE - COSMIC HUNGER[/h2] This is the update everyone who's waiting for updates has been waiting for - and it now has a better name that isn't just a placeholder title referencing ingame placeholder elements! What's it all about? Well - it will get its own announcement soon... [h1]REMAINING PATCH NOTES[/h1] [h3]QUALITY OF LIFE[/h3] [list][*] The game's global volume has been boosted by 10db to better support playing with speakers. [*] Sliders can now be clicked and dragged from any point, not just their handles. [*] The sekiwity shortcut has been changed from 'F' to 'S' to avoid accidental 'GG'ing. [*] Changed a few icons and visuals to make it clearer which ones represent krowns. [*] Added a 'buy all' indicator to the 'buy all' button in the profession screen.[/list] [h3]BALANCING[/h3] [list][*] Archery now has a much lower delay between king spawns compared to normal. [*] Alchemy's potion-feeding scaling factor & high tier potions point multiplier both reduced by ~20%. [*] Alchemy's potion tier-scaling now grows much more significantly, up to over 500% in higher tiers [*] Carpentry's king has much more health, allowing players to more easily use them for income [*] Carpentry's king now heals back to full health when a kingling is spawned, allowing for more control [*] Carpentry can now store up to 8 kings instead of 5, allowing for easier bonuses as well as more control over extra-long kingling combos [*] Carpentry's kinglings can now be summoned with close to 0 delay - both naturally and through the button[/list] [h3]FIXES[/h3] [list][*] Fixed sounds playing as you open the game even if you had 0 volume or muted the game. [*] Fixed price indicators on buttons not instantly updating when number formatting was changed[/list]