UPDATE 1.0-B - Launch Version Fixes & QoL

Kiwi Clicker - Juiced Up

Deliver more and more kiwis to satiate the kings' hunger - sacrifice their pulp and transcend beyond your fruital form!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42524872/901acd99ac744ee2203dd2a299848635423feec1.png[/img][h1]UPDATE 1.0-B - Launch Version Fixes & QoL[/h1] Hello everyone, hope you're enjoying the game! I didn't want to hold back on these fixes for much longer while still working on the content update, so I decided to push an update with the fixed and improvements from launch day before the content update - so here it is! As always, you might need to re-open steam to receive the update- Aight, that's it for now - have fun! [h3]1.0-C HOTFIX[/h3] Fixed an error where, after the koin requirement rebalance, it would ignore your stored kings during the calculation, causing your king storage to always fill up to maximum when a king was triggered. [h3]GENERAL CHANGES[/h3] [list] [*] Changed how the total koin requirement for the next king summon scales - your very first transcendence should take 35% less time. It should be slightly easier to gain up to 36 points per transcend right now and, after that, it becomes increasingly harder compared to before [*] Changed how the first upgrades are unlocked at the very start of the game - now you don't need to save up just to see them, they'll unlock when your lifetime koins gained surpasses the requirement [*] The unchosen professions now show a little text telling you that you can choose again after transcending [*] Changed how developer cheats are activated so people stop accidentally triggering them and thinking that the game is completely broken [/list] [h3]ARCHERY[/h3] They doubted you, they said archery would never be as [strike]absurdly broken beyond all possibility[/strike] great as it once was... and they were right. But it's considerably better after this update. [list] [*] Skill node order adjusted to increase freedom of choice in your progression [*] Feature-enabling node costs reduced back to reasonable numbers [*] The King of Undeath's timer will now only start running after it 'dies' [*] Archers will now shoot when you press SPACE or F ( if you have the respective upgrades for clicking with those ) [/list] [h3]ALCHEMY[/h3] [list] [*] Skill node costs adjusted to ease tree progression in the early-game [/list] [h3]CARPENTRY[/h3] [list] [*] Fortify now multiplies ALL kiwi income sources [*] Re-organized nodes skilltree so you have access to all essential choices right away [*] Fixed a bug where Fortify was not multiplying auto-kiwiker[/list] [h3]CARPENTRY KINGLING BONUS[/h3] This change is hard to explain so it gets its own section - changed how the kingling bonus is calculated so it's not still completely broken. [spoiler][b]Before:[/b] Each kingling burst adds 1 STACK - when a kingling dies, you gain STACK * BONUS_PER_STACK * KING_POINTS extra transcendence points [b]New:[/b] Each kingling burst increases the bonus value directly ( BONUS_MULTI += BONUS_PER_STACK ) - when a kingling dies, you gain BONUS_MULTI * KING_POINTS extra points[/spoiler] What does this all mean? That that first kingling you killed 10 minutes ago at 3% Fortify will always be worth just +3%, instead of, for no good reason whatsoever, it retroactively scaling with the Fortify you have now [h3]GENERAL FIXES[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed 'Seasoned Professional' achievement unlocking before you became a seasoned professional [*] Fixed 'Pining for the Kijords' not unlocking if your first king had been put to rest before the achievement was added [*] Fixed the 'Become an Archery Player' penance not returning your production to normal if you had reached 0 on the timer [*] Fixed transcend sounds playing when all sound was muted - now it will only play if at least one is unmuted and above 0% volume [*] Fixed rounding making it seem like you had enough currency for a purchase when in fact you did not [/list] [h1]CAUGHT IN THE BETA BRANCH[/h1] These didn't make it to live - but I promise they existed and were fixed! [list] [*] 'Purchase All' button incorrectly appears as mastered with profession nodes still available [*] 'Purchase All' button can charge you for already-unlocked nodes [/list]