0.1.4 Update

Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod

JC2-MP is a project to bring multiplayer to Just Cause 2 in all of its magnificent glory. Imagine the chaos of normal Just Cause 2, then extending it out to dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of players.

[h1][b]0.1.4 Changelog[/b][/h1] [b]Client-side Object Spawning[/b] To complement server-side static objects, we've added client-side static objects. In previous releases, you couldn't properly create hats or attach something to a car. Now it's easy. [img]http://i.imgur.com/daBRIHS.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Yet7dkU.png[/img] [i]Want to try out hats? Go check out [url=https://github.com/Jman100/jc2mp-hatsdemo]Jman100's hat demo script![/url][/i] [h1][b]Effects and Sounds[/b][/h1] Any effect or sound from the original game is available. There are plenty of explosions, smoke effects, and more! Sounds play in 3D, and yes, you can play the Mile High Club music. [img]http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3332967292548366402/D515C5334D56D63A238B550B1DB5893735396134/1024x578.resizedimage[/img] [img]http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3332967292548651105/50C1BEEDEC75237202C5DC41C19823A594F3541A/[/img] [i]Try out [url=https://github.com/Jman100/jc2mp-effectsbrowser]Jman100's effect browser[/url], which was used in these screenshots.[/i] [h1][b]New Features[/b][/h1] [h1]Shared[/h1] [list] [*]Added the ability to set custom values on players, which are synchronized across modules and (optionally) server/client [*]Added vehicle invulnerability [*]Vastly improved Lua error messages and made them much more usable [*]Added a global Lua include directory, under lua/autorun/, that can be used to inject code into other modules under IKnowWhatImDoing [*]SteamId can now be passed in Events:Fire and Network:Send/Broadcast [*]Timer can now be passed in Events:Fire [*]Added an optional second argument to 'class' that lets you specify a parent table [/list] [h1]Server[/h1] [list] [*]Added events EntitySpawn, EntityDespawn, and EntityRemove [*]Added Server functions GetLoadedModules and GetAvailableModules [/list] [h1]Client[/h1] [list] [*]Added ClientEffect [*]Added ClientSound [*]Added ClientStaticObject [*]Added Player:GetBoneAngle [*]Player:GetBones now returns a table of {position, angle} tables [*]Added an 'entity' field to Physics:Raycast [*]Added Vehicle functions GetBoundingBox and GetCenterOfMass [*]Added events EntitySpawn and EntityDespawn [*]Added Game functions GetHeat, SetHeat, and ResetHeat [*]Added Game:ShowPopup [*]Added BaseWindow functions SetSizeAutoRel, SetWidthAutoRel, and SetHeightAutoRel, which make controls automatically resize based on their parent [*]Added BaseWindow functions SetWidthRel, SetHeightRel, GetWidthRel, and GetHeightRel [*]Added Button functions SetTextNormalColor, SetTextPressedColor, SetTextHoveredColor, and SetTextDisabledColor [*]Split StaticObject into BaseStaticObject and StaticObject [*]Added TreeNode:GetLabel [*]Added TreeNode functions for getting/setting various text colors [*]SAM sites no longer spawn in the game [/list] [h1][b]Bug fixes[/b][/h1] [h1]Shared[/h1] [list] [*]The hard limit of 65536 entities was increased to ~4 billion [*]Improved player color generation algorithm; the saturation range is now between 0.5 and 0.75 [*]Removed Vector3 compression when using Network:Send due to horrible precision loss [/list] [h1]Server[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed crash when a Lua event was broadcasted during unloadall [/list] [h1]Client[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed crash when calling GetPosition/GetAngle on a partially-spawned StaticObject [*]Fixed StaticObject crash when updating position of a non-existent model [*]Fixed occasional crash when removing GWEN controls, such as removing a control and its parent at the same time [*]Fixed TabControl related crashes when removing a TabButton or its page, as well as pages sometimes staying around [*]Vehicle:SetColors will now update the vehicle's colors immediately [*]Added client-side protection against the edge case of spawning invalid weapon models [*]Fixed 'reconnect' not working if server is passworded [*]Aliased 'force_connect' to 'connect' [*]Fixed some GWEN events not working [*]Edited the GWEN skin to give a dark theme to Trees and PropertyTrees [*]Improved TextBox cursor behaviour [*]Fixed mouse cursor not being updated immediately after Mouse:SetVisible [*]Moved AssetLocation to shared [*]GroupBox:SetPadding no longer affects the title text [*]ListBox and SortedList are now affected by SetBackgroundVisible. [*]Fixed SortedList:Sort crash with bad column [/list] [b]Note: a running changelog for each new version is maintained on the wiki, [url=http://wiki.jc-mp.com/Changelog]see here[/url].[/b]