We have a publisher (and a demo update)!

Green Again

Green Again is a chill and cozy city builder game. Help a tribe of little plant people reclaim their planet taken over by defective robots. Build, decorate, and expand your settlement. Grow crops for your citizens, explore the unknown, and return the land to its former green state!

With a title like that, let's just get straight to the point...Green Again has found a publisher and will be published by Slug Disco. Slug Disco are the developers of [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/463530/Empires_of_the_Undergrowth/]Empires of the Undergrowth[/url], and publishers of a range of nature themed titles and I'm beyond excited to be teaming up with them to make Green Again as successful and it could be. [previewyoutube=OZYlbQ1J6qg;full][/previewyoutube] [i]Looks like they'll need to update this reel 😏[/i] In other, just as exciting news, Green Again recently got showcased by two big content creators - Angory Tom and Blitz both played the free demo and seemed to have a good time with it which was great to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY2YvqS9_sE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R10mjeqqQt8 This got me thinking though, currently the game uses CC4 music, which [i]technically[/i] should be fine for content creators to use, but to avoid the hassle of any potential monetization issues for content creators, I've added a toggle for streamer mode which replaces the music with some custom in-house tracks. The streamer mode is now live in today's update along with a range of other changes which you can see in full below. If you haven't check the demo out yet, you can download it from the store page, and if you have any feedback be sure to stop by [url=https://discord.gg/pMFppmaEWh ]the Discord[/url]! ---- Change log: [list] [*] New population system: outposts won't consume workers, they have a min. population requirement instead [*] Added streamer mode for content creators, disabling CC4 songs [*] Replaced rock resource with junk [*] Several tweaks made to food calculation, upgrade and structure costs [*] Building info panels are updated real-time when resources change [*] Fixed camera scrolling and panning overshoot, snappier camera controls [*] Using the clear tool continues to apply on/off depending on the first action, making quick clear marking big areas by LMB held down easier [*] Tweaks and streamlining of tutorial [*] Game preferences are now stored in a separate file [*] Building captured state is shown in inspector [*] Fixed short blink of zone hexes when loading world view [*] Fixed inaccessible ancient buildings causing soft-lock [*] House decoration quest works both ways: house placed next to decoration and vice versa [*] Pods remain available in junkyard creative mode [/list]