We're taking part in Next Fest + an Update!

Green Again

Green Again is a chill and cozy city builder game. Help a tribe of little plant people reclaim their planet taken over by defective robots. Build, decorate, and expand your settlement. Grow crops for your citizens, explore the unknown, and return the land to its former green state!

This. Is. Not. A. Drill. We're taking part in [b]Steam Next Fest[/b]! [previewyoutube=j92VcW6zfF4;full]TRAILER[/previewyoutube] We're incredibly excited to be bringing Green Again to a whole new audience, and of course, participating in the event means we had to put a little update together, too - more details on that below! [b]Updated Tutorial[/b] Whether you're a new player trying the demo for the first time, or have spent a little more time in Green Again, we've reworked the in-game tutorial to make it easier than ever to hit the ground running and get your colony growing. If you've played previously and would like to try the new tutorials (or just need a refresher!), start up a level and head to Settings > Gameplay > Reset Tutorial to experience it from scratch! [b]Lighting and Power[/b] During the darker months, Sproutling homes, outposts, and lighting decorations will all require power at night, which you'll now need to provide for using a brand new power system: solar panels and batteries. Place solar panels during the warmer, brighter months in-game to generate power and store it in your batteries for use during these colder seasons to keep your Sproutlings happy! Watchtowers will also require power throughout the whole day, so you'll want to stock up as much as possible to be able to defend your colony. [b]New Music[/b] We've got a swanky new soundtrack in this latest update, written by the incredible [url=https://film-and-gamemusic.com/]Tobi Weiss[/url]! We don't want to spoil the joy of discovering it for you, so we'll just say this: new theme music and dynamic tracks which become richer as you expand your colony. You're welcome 🎶 All you have to do to access all these new additions is make sure you've updated to the latest version of the demo - so whether you're joining us from Next Fest or you've been around for a while, there's something new to enjoy 💚 Full changelog is below, but in the meantime, have you spotted our latest livestream? [previewyoutube=l7oArC3Ywf4;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Changelog:[/b] [list] [*] Added new yearly daylight cycle with dynamic lighting [*] Added power system with solar panels and batteries, power is a new resource that must be managed [*] Added lamp decorations [*] Houses, outposts, lamp decorations and watchtowers emit light and consume power [*] Launching pods consumes power [*] Added crop switching panel to quickly change crops on the selected farm [*] Added new dynamically changing music tracks and music for the main menu and world map [*] Removed streamer mode setting for music (it's not needed anymore) [*] Reduced field color saturation [*] Rebuilt onboarding tutorial system with gradually unlocked GUI elements [*] Cost strings are shown in red when lacking some resources [*] Tweaked some notifications and added new ones [*] Updated menu and loading screen art [*] Added visible energy shield to advanced drones in the junkyard [*] Fixed main menu art scaling on ultrawides [*] Replaced efficiency icon [*] Updated shadow positions for several buildings [*] More log files are stored to help bug reporting [*] Fixed various update logic errors [*] Added extra checks to prevent invalid ancient building positioning [*] Decoration unlock overlay disappears automatically [*] Lots of additional bugfixes, balance tweaks and QoL changes [/list]