June Wrap Up 🌿

Green Again

Green Again is a chill and cozy city builder game. Help a tribe of little plant people reclaim their planet taken over by defective robots. Build, decorate, and expand your settlement. Grow crops for your citizens, explore the unknown, and return the land to its former green state!

Hey Sproutling fans! We're back with another monthly round-up for you! June was an exciting month for Green Again, and July is looking to be pretty amazing too, so let's get into it, shall we? [previewyoutube=l7oArC3Ywf4;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Steam NextFest[/b] We were completely overwhelmed by the love, support, and wishlists we received during Steam NextFest. We saw lots of content creators sharing streams and gameplay videos from Green Again, lots of love on Twitter, and that lovely feeling that is lots of new Sproutling fans joining our community. In case you missed our developer livestream especially for the event, you can catch up above, or on YouTube, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7oArC3Ywf4]here[/url]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44781286/3c5a10869b52afee89b354fcd29b955127baacc1.jpg[/img] [b]Demo Update[/b] It felt natural to us to go into our first ever NextFest with a brand new update for our demo, so that's what we did! We gave Green Again a brand new tutorial, a new lighting system, [i]and[/i] new music for the event, and it's all available [b]now[/b] - if you haven't had a chance to play yet, we'd love to hear your thoughts when you do! Full details on everything included in the update can be found [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2718320/view/4147331471362765102?l=english]here[/url]. [b]Tacticon 2024[/b] It would be impossible for us to not mention something we're excited for next month, so...Green Again will be taking part in Tacticon 2024! We'll be joining over 100 titles in a celebration dedicated to uplifting strategy games of all kinds from [b]July 18-22[/b]. We'll be sharing links to the Steam event page and more details closer to the time, but in the meantime, you can see the full line-up included in the showcase [url=https://www.tacticon.games/selected-games-2024]here[/url]. That's everything we have for June. Make sure you follow join us on [url=https://discord.com/invite/pMFppmaEWh]Discord[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/greenagaingame]Twitter[/url], or [url=https://tiktok.com/@greenagaingame]TikTok[/url] to keep up to date with all the latest Green Again news!