Green Again Demo Update

Green Again

Green Again is a chill and cozy city builder game. Help a tribe of little plant people reclaim their planet taken over by defective robots. Build, decorate, and expand your settlement. Grow crops for your citizens, explore the unknown, and return the land to its former green state!

Hey there, Sproutling fans! We've got a new update to the demo for you, just in time for Dinos vs. Robots Fest, which we'll be participating in next week! There are some exciting new challenges to look forward to with this latest update, so shall we dive into the highlights? First up on the agenda: [b]drones[/b]. These protective lil bots will now appear during [i]both[/i] zones in the demo, and they'll be tasked with defending the Ancient Buildings in the Town Zone, and the Transmitters in the Junkyard. They'll be able to harm your Sproutlings, so you might want to build some watchtowers... Which brings us to our next point: Sproutling workers that are harmed now become [b]incapacitated[/b], turning them into Soul Seeds which need to be regrown in the aptly named Soul Garden. You'll be able to see your incapacitated workers as a separate stat in-game, so you can keep track of them! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44781286/5daffdef1a48d490dfd2d4047c06547cdb776edd.png[/img] We've also got some updated Sproutling management tools for you, allowing you to choose whether you'd like your Sproutlings to clear or gather from a tile, as well as giving you the option to [b]forbid[/b] them from using specific tiles - this will come in handy with those pesky drones on the loose! Of course, there are plenty more quality of life and bug fixes, including clearer tracking of food and consumption and production, expanded tutorials covering new topics, and lots more! You can read the full changelog down below. If you'd like to give us any feedback, have any questions, or just want to chat about the demo, don't forget to stop by our [url=]Discord[/url], [url=]Twitter[/url], or [url=]TikTok[/url]! Changelog: [list] [*] Workers can become incapacitated, turning into soul seeds and regrown at soul garden [*] Drone added to both levels [*] Watchtowers usable against drones, show watchtower range when selected [*] Deeper population system with housing, active and incapacitated workers [*] Forges generate materials per tick, not per day [*] New food system with food units displayed instead of food days, more detailed tooltips [*] Better looking and optimized shadows [*] Detailed tooltips for materials, worker data etc. [*] Forbid tool for preventing workers going into dangerous areas [*] Tweaked building requirement UI [*] Fixed some worker timer cleanup when exiting the map [*] Fixed bridge construction site broken inspector [*] Separate tools for gathering resources and clear buildings [*] Fixed lots of inspector and description texts [*] Expanded tutorial with new topics [*] Reduced job durations [*] Added notification system showing messages and alerts on the left [*] Outpost coverage markers only shown for those placeables which require coverage [*] Reduced decoration objective in town zone [*] Tweaked objectives in junkyard zone [*] Jellyfish leave when all transmitters have been captured [*] Lots of small bugfixes and tweaks [/list]