Green Again Demo Update!

Green Again

Green Again is a chill and cozy city builder game. Help a tribe of little plant people reclaim their planet taken over by defective robots. Build, decorate, and expand your settlement. Grow crops for your citizens, explore the unknown, and return the land to its former green state!

Hey there, Sproutling fans! We've got an exciting new update for you today, and we're pretty keen to share let's dive straight in, shall we? [previewyoutube=Ir16DEy_KOw;full][/previewyoutube] If you're following us on [url=]Twitter[/url] or [url=]TikTok[/url], you might've seen a little teaser last week...Sproutlings have had a makeover! They now have new animations, hairstyles, and facial expressions, which we happen to think makes them [i]even more adorable[/i]. It's not just the Sproutlings that have had a glow up, though - we've also got a brand new UI for you, with custom elements, a new font, and streamlined functionality to make it easier than ever to manage your Sproutlings (and keep them safe from pesky robots!), and we've spruced up the world map and changed the way zones are generated, so they're now a more circular shape. Fancy, eh? Of course, with a new look and feel, it only felt right to do a little spring cleaning on how you manage your Sproutling colony; hungry or unhappy Sproutlings will now leave the settlement if they're not getting what they need, so you'll have to rise to the challenge. Luckily, higher level housing can now be placed over the lower level ones you might have started out with, so you can keep your decorations in place and upgrade your settlement without forfeiting Sproutling happiness. Phew! We've also got some bug fixes and minor tweaks coming with this latest update, so you can read the full patch notes below for more information on those. As always, don't forget to come join us on [url=]Discord[/url], [url=]Twitter[/url], or [url=]TikTok[/url] to chat about the new update, ask any questions, or just show some Sproutling love. Changelog: [list] [*] Brand new sproutling animations with various hairstyles, facial expressions, idle anims [*] New UI with custom elements, font and icons, streamlined some UI functionality [*] New world map (planet view with decorative tiles) [*] Revised fog, buildings reveal fogged areas in a smooth circular radius [*] Zones generated with circular shape (with cliffs at the borders) [*] Hungry and unhappy sproutlings leave the settlement [*] Higher level houses can be placed over lower level ones [*] Variation in decoration costs, more expensive decorations give bigger happiness boost [*] Watchtowers shoot light rays towards exposed bots [*] Clear tool can be used to remove EMP pod from a tile [*] Mapgen data loaded from data file for greater flexibility [*] Huge cleanup of codebase to allow smoother updates and better performance [*] Fixed various UI bugs [*] Fixed loading glitch [*] Fixed blinking no water icon on fields [*] Misc fixes and economy tweaks [/list]