Version 781: UAV Changes

Due Process

A PVP tactical FPS about PLANNING & EXECUTION. Sound strategy and good teamwork are essential for victory because new PROCEDURALLY-GENERATED MAPS are delivered every week. You'll face a new tactical challenge every round.

[h1]UAV Changes:[/h1] [h2]New UAV Features:[/h2] [list] [*] Defenders who are being lazed now will see an on-screen indicator of the direction/position of the UAV/turret that is currently lazing them. [*] Attackers will see pings on the map view [b]revealing the position of defenders[/b] who have been spotted by the UAV. These pings will only update every 2 seconds at the quickest, and require 50% heat from the UAV to appear. They will not update if the defender cannot be seen by the UAV. [/list] [h2]Dome:[/h2] [list] [*] UAV acquisition times are shorter on dome due to how exploitable certain background runouts can be and because you cannot be lased by the UAV without walking outside. [*] The UAV turrets can now see players underneath the dome in most circumstances, ignoring things like ramps and posts under the map, so they will be lased when trying to move away from the exits. [*] Modified the ramps leading up to the red doors, but preserved the behavior where the top of the ramps can block UAV LOS so that short pushes/runouts onto the exit areas of the dome can still be done. [*] Certain doorways that block the UAV no longer block pings. [/list] [h2]Bank:[/h2] [list] [*] A perimeter is established! There are now two more "attacker trucks" in the background at the ends of each alley that can see down the alleys in most maps, making it harder for players to just stand outside in the alleyways. (They only laze, they will not shoot down throwables) [*] Bank's Entrance and Red Doors now have UAV blockers, similar to dome's that will prevent the UAV from lasing players who are standing near the entrance. [*] Certain objects like trees and bushes that used to be able to block the UAV in the midground no longer block the UAV. [/list] [h2]Killhouse:[/h2] [list] [*] The UAV will no longer be blocked by the tall background ledges. [*] The tall containers in the background will no longer block the UAV. [/list] [h2]CStore:[/h2] [list] [*] The UAV will no longer be blocked by the tall buildings in the background. [/list] [h2]Factory:[/h2] [list] [*] Some tall LOS blockers in the background that might normally block the UAV will not block the UAV. [/list] [h2]General Map Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Half of the existing bank maps in rotation have been replaced. [*] Some factories have been replaced. [*] The 2v2 map pool has been expanded slightly. [*] The truck itself no longer blocks the truck turret from seeing players attempting to use it as cover from the UAV. [*] Bank level generator updated heavily, with bug fixes, new prefabs and updated clusters to be able to produce banks again. [*] Some killhouse prefabs have been updated to prevent unexpected platforming. [*] Very large stacks of wood in killhouse Lumberyard can no longer be wallcharged. [/list] [h2]Misc Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Invisible blockers designed to block the UAV from seeing inside doorways no longer blocks pings. [*] Fixed bug where players could see their own corpse standing up when spectating a teammate after dying. [*] Removed [redacted] from Push gamemode. [/list]