Version 780: Post-Halloween Update

Due Process

A PVP tactical FPS about PLANNING & EXECUTION. Sound strategy and good teamwork are essential for victory because new PROCEDURALLY-GENERATED MAPS are delivered every week. You'll face a new tactical challenge every round.

[h2]General Bug Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed seeing your own dead body as standing up while spectating a teammate [*] Fix molotov + fire extinguisher interaction (again) [*] Changed how initial screen resolution is picked for new users to hopefully reduce problems of game defaulting to tiny resolutions [*] Changed how Gameplay Resolution Scaler works to try to avoid issues where the resolution scaler doesn't allow certain resolutions which should be valid [/list] [h2]New Maps:[/h2] [list] [*] 30 new 2v2 maps (additive, no replacements yet) [*] 12 new 5v5 maps (replace 12 old) [/list] [h2]General Map Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed lightmap artifacts on 2v2 killhouse maps (retroactive) [*] Fixed killhouse windows allowing small gaps that would cause players to be spotted by the UAV for a short period and give away their position [*] Changed Entryway tile in 2v2 killhouse maps to require less jumping and also have blue map-visible panes in the windows (manually edited previous maps to make it mostly retroactive) [*] Changed storefront entrance height/parkour [*] Make bank vent more ballistic [*] Bank desk parkour fixed for a specific object [*] Bomb no longer occluder (prevent occlusion holes around bomb in future maps) [*] Freezer post processing no longer overrides "lights out" post processing importance [*] Fixed several reported issues for various individual maps [/list] [h2]Halloween Event Ended:[/h2] [list] [*] 2v2 Night maps are now Day [*] 2v2 mode no longer gives 2x XP and now gives the same XP as Unranked [/list]