Minor Update 797

Due Process

A PVP tactical FPS about PLANNING & EXECUTION. Sound strategy and good teamwork are essential for victory because new PROCEDURALLY-GENERATED MAPS are delivered every week. You'll face a new tactical challenge every round.

This is a minor update that contains a map count redistribution, 46 new maps, and some fixes for issues reported in the bug reports channel on our discord. [h3]46 New Maps [/h3] [list] [*] A few of these 46 new maps are some weird amalgamation maps that will be removed from the pool after a limited time that is TBD. [*] Lowered the count of the 2v2 maps somewhat, specifically 2v2 Killhouse as there was like way more of those than any other set, as well as slightly lowered the number of 2v2 cstores. [*] This should put every 5v5 tileset at 20 maps and the 2v2 tilesets at 30 maps each, for a total of around 160 still but instead of having like 11 or 12 of some 5v5 tilesets, and like 40 2v2 tilesets, it's a more balanced ratio. No old maps were brought back to do this, just new maps. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that prevented startup on the client in some cases where the client would start but not think it was either a server or a client and therefore got stuck [*] Fixed bug(s) caused by clients attempting to shuffle users to start lobby mode when they don't ever have the appropriate data, causing all sorts of edge cases and bugs. (The cause of most of the recent 6v4 bugs, and some others, but there might be another cause of this.) [*] Fixed a bug where the first frame of highlighting an object would be wrong if the user used a stretched gameplay resolution that was not a fractional ratio equivalent to their native resolution. [*] Fixed error in UAV simulation that caused some minor UAV related edge cases [*] Fixed another error around the same place where the client would erroneously resimulate the UAV killing the player multiple times, which could cause some bad edge cases in some places but was quite rare. [*] Fixed an error in the phase change UI that was found in some bug report logs, but the actual representation or impact of this bugfix is unknown and is assumed to be minor. [/list] Just as a note we are still working on more substative changes for the game, but they are not ready yet. When they are, we will bring them to live.