De-Winterization, QoL Changes

Due Process

A PVP tactical FPS about PLANNING & EXECUTION. Sound strategy and good teamwork are essential for victory because new PROCEDURALLY-GENERATED MAPS are delivered every week. You'll face a new tactical challenge every round.

[h2]End of Holiday Event:[/h2] [list] [*] Holiday Maps modified to be normal again [*] Some new maps in rotation [*] Fixed a couple maps from feedback [*] Various changes to remove certain holiday themed items and effects from the game (menu/training/presents/fog effects/etc.) [/list] [h2]Added:[/h2] [list] [*] Added ability to customize crosshair color, some preset colors avaliable in Video settings. Affects red dots, holographics and scope crosshairs that were previously team-colored. [list] [*] Config option for Crosshair Color added, this will override the option in the Video Settings and allows for precise RGB setup, as well as transparency. (Values outside of 0-1 range will be normalized.) [*] When using a custom color in the config for Crosshair Color, the game will remember this as a Custom Color in the settings until the game is shut down, if you want to compare colors without having to edit the config again. [/list][*] Added audio option to mute game audio when the game is not in focus (does not apply to "UI Volume" so notifications will still make sounds) [*] Added (?) hover info box to explain how to use special passwords in private matches [*] Region selections can now be modified by GECNet in the case some regions aren't avaliable (mostly for test servers right now) [/list] [h2]Other Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed bug in GECNet client code that threw exceptions if you sent a gecnet message without registering a callback [*] Fixed bug where clients disabling their own local preferred region caused myraid of UI issues and did not get sent to GECNet [*] Lobby Mode requires only 3 players on each team to start Casual after at the end of round 4 [*] Lobby Mode requires only 2 players on each team to start Casual at the end of round 8 [*] Fixed support for special passwords in private matches to override gamemode selection [*] Added support for special passwords when finding private 2v2 matches to override 2v2 gamemode selection [*] Move kill feed slightly to not overlap with damage done/received by right team player icons [*] Internal changes to puck logic [*] Fix admin panel generate user button not acting like a button [*] Add admin panel option to [redacted] [/list]