Version 762: Minor Update

Due Process

A PVP tactical FPS about PLANNING & EXECUTION. Sound strategy and good teamwork are essential for victory because new PROCEDURALLY-GENERATED MAPS are delivered every week. You'll face a new tactical challenge every round.

Minor patch for issues after the release of the Torch and Killhouse build. There are still some issues on our radar that have to do with this build we are working on so if you don't see an issue you've had listed here, we are probably still working on it but feel free to report it to us! [list] [*] Dropped fire extinguishers should now properly be shootable the same way as thrown extinguishers [*] Extinguishers should properly delete any molotov tossed directly into it instead of only sometimes functioning [*] Lights cannot be shot out any longer. This was an unintended change of an unfinished feature that we are still working on. [*] Can torch dome doors from on a ramp below them instead of having to be at the same height [*] Killing people with torch with a headshot without a follow up hit doesn't cause them to T-Pose [*] Training has respawning fire extinguishers (under the flashbangs and frag, etc.) [*] Adjusted Shutter Single, Double, and Loading to highlight all shutters. [*] Removed animator from Conveyor_Lift. [*] Update concrete stairs so you cannot spawn in them; now have better defined and cheaper geo for physics [*] Cig shelf had misplaced geometry on it that was covering its back hitbox, preventing it from being destroyed from behind [*] Fixed some various map related bugs reported in discord (map labels missing on some banks and a few other maps with reported gamebreaking bugs) [*] Change to attempt to address issue that might have been causing discord voice to break [/list]