Version 764: Minor Update

Due Process

A PVP tactical FPS about PLANNING & EXECUTION. Sound strategy and good teamwork are essential for victory because new PROCEDURALLY-GENERATED MAPS are delivered every week. You'll face a new tactical challenge every round.

Just another weekly patch for general fixes and things mostly related to minor issues introduced with the torch and feedback given by players. [list] [*] Bug fixed related to torching and networking; torching should now always properly run at the estimated time instead of sometimes being 2 or 3 times faster when the server is dealing with resimulations. [*] Minor adjustment that should affect hit registration [*] Fixed torch firing breaks when using "hold to swap" to pick up torch with full equipment inventory [*] Fixed torch gear position when holstered [*] Adjusted wire so that it prioritizes picking up items over the torch hover when possible [*] Increase window for items to spawn at increased rate to get the player caught up when joining a match in progress [*] Make sure the local player always spawns with priority to prevent them from being stuck in the UAV screen [*] Changed cutting particles to be properly assigned on some objects that did not have them assigned [*] Correct round counts for push UI in some places that were incorrect after going from 4 > 2 [*] Fixed UI for map tray hover that explains what a torch is accidentally referencing the clacker popup instead [*] Backend fix for queueing for ranked while joining a casual match not always working [*] Changed incorrect UI behavior regarding simultaneously queueing for Casual and Ranked [/list] Minor notes: [olist] [*] We are currently internally working on feedback regarding the over-arching impact the torch has had on the game meta [*] It was our intention to ship maps this week but a small issue caused some problems with newly created maps so some time will have to be spent on that to get those new maps being shippable again. [/olist]