Version 48: Mechanist


Based on traditional rogue-likes, Dredgers is a real-time dungeon crawler where you can play as 30 different races, each having their own stats and skills. With the unique class system you can mix and match classes as you desire, anything from an Archer-Knight to a Berserker-Summoner-Priest is possible!

Greeting Dredgers! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/54dc895129d2eb0a191c1363b5fc6c4e886be7a8.png[/img] Version 48 is finally here in full force, the highlight of this patch is the Mechanist class, allowing you to craft new limbs and place or even replace your own body parts, along with adding more with the new harness item! This system required a rework of how limbs in the game work, and so most races have had tweaks to their body slots. Wroughts, EMPU and Domples in particular got the most work. This patch is a big mix up of a lot of small changes I've been adding over the last two years, along with some bigger additions. [hr][/hr][h2]Mechanist[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/5b126e71d388fcd335d634d04e2d2d3fa89a69ad.png[/img] Our first new class in a while. With the new limb system there had to be a class to interact with it. Mechanists effectively let you customise what equip slots you want, and can effectively give you two extra slots if you're willing to forgo armour. [h2]Limb Rework[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/1e05f485249a589cd3cd747539787751329b5609.png[/img][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/41221a0499c583c525b429b2b28c801523d59b0b.png[/img][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/0504d8da926dc9c4c6f82f43bd55274b9f434f22.png[/img] Limbs, aka equip slots, have been rework, giving me a lot more flexibility in how they work. The main change here for players is that Left and Right mouse buttons no longer correspond to specific arms, Left Click is now always attack for both arms, prioritising the arm on the left side. Right click is now only used for swapping Book spells, but also may be used for shields and such in the future. Additionally, races that can wear shoes now have TWO feet slots, rather than one. Shoe stats were nerfed by half obviously. Finally, wearing a mask lets you wear a hat on top of it, a personal wish of mine for about 3 years.[list] [*]Visic can no longer wear Helmets or Masks. [*]Seemujh now only have 1 extra casting slot and can no longer wear Helmets. [*]Bloodfallen can no longer use their Antlers to cast. [*]Crabmen now have a dedicated Mask slot. [*]Sychian can no longer wear headgear, but can wear Charms on their head. [*]Roundtoothed and Leiches can only equip Hats and Charms on their heads now. [/list] [h2]The Wrought[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/32e13ef6e9c387b618033bdecd145f3b7af42fab.png[/img] Wroughts got a skill rework as I didn't like how they felt to play, nor did they feel scary enough as enemies. Their old Metal Taste has now been combined into Iron Wreath, which is also itself now a targeted ability. To fill the empty slot they get "Lightless Journey", allowing them to vanish, moving quickly in light and re-appearing in shadow. They also now have a third leg slot for lore accuracy. [h2]E.M.P.U[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/36b3310944dac1a762792ef0d8115dac8bb5ac1c.png[/img] EMPU have been given 4 'foot' slots, for lore accuracy. However these foot slots are actually wheels! They give a speed boost when empty, or a speed penalty when a shoe is worn. Additionally you can get wheels as other races using the hunter skill 'Collect Trophy' on EMPU. [h2]Domples[/h2] Mostly minor changes for the lovable fuzzballs, putting points into CON now puts points into STR as well, instead of the strange conversion thing. INT is still lowered by STR. Additionally, Domples can no longer suffer from the overweight debuff. [h2]Flooded Floors[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/e317ad0f2a26bde7d211911a98357b5c097af74d.png[/img] [h2]Changelog:[/h2] [list] [*]Game now supports German! [*]Boss HP bar rewritten so seeing armour is easier. [*]Bosses now have a fancy animation on starting. [*]You now need a gold key to leave on the King's Banquet floor. [*]SPD and STR can no longer lower punch damage when at negative values. [*]Targets can only drop blue EXP once ever, even if raised as undead. [*]Corpses now heal very quickly if they are satiated. [*]Enemies can no longer use corpse explosion on you if you are an animated corpse. [*]Raising a corpse levels them up according to your INT, capped by your Level. [*]Ranged Enemies should be more consistent in understand line of sight. [*]Enemies now only use dodge roll after being hit. [*]Pause now only unpauses when pressing bound keys, and won't unpause while unfocused. [*]Projectiles are now deleted when they leave off-screen instead of freezing in time. [*]Thrown weapons with ENG scalings now actually spend energy. [*]Anything immune to lava can now path through lava, primarily Magnites and Animated items. [*]Floors are now one room shorter, aside from Castle, Labs and Forge areas, which are one room longer. [*]Enemies that notice you will signal to other enemies that you are there. [*]Higher tier enemies have more consistent levels. [*]Higher tier enemies have big skulls above their heads so people realise how dangerous they are. [*]There's a new combat music system that is off by default, it currently only really changes things in the Caverns. [*]The sound system has been rewritten, so ambient sounds should be more audible in quiet moments. [*]'Guilded' now only works with living or animated allies. [*]Arrow hitbox increased. [*]You no longer get items automatically from destroying furniture if auto-pickup is off. [*]Gardule can now throw items and only picks them up instantly afterwards. [*]When you are paid 1000+ coins, it upgrades the tier of coin you're being paid. [*]Teleport slow down has been reduced. [*]Energy when resting is 100x faster instead of 10x faster. [*]All races can now rest, but only get some of the benefits, such as armour refilling faster. [*]You can now buyback sold items from the peddler. [*]Summoning Circles now generate flux. [*]Anything made of energy is now forbidden from taking summoner due to health costs. [*]Improved Ghost visuals. [*]Ghost orb nerf, they can only have 2 orbs at once, and spend energy to make orbs, which deal INT damage. [*]Ghost 'Boo' nerf, has a 5 second cooldown. [*]When corpses are destroyed, they turn into skeletons now. [*]Turning into a skeleton un-animates the corpse if it was animated. [*]Rats, Crabs and critters in general no longer try to walk directly on you. [*]Sinking into the ground either by standing in water or using a racial skill dims held lights. [*]Flux has new visuals. [*]Ghost Blade has been renamed to Soul Blade and now has a special prefix that allows it to be held by ghosts. This was always possible but it's clearer now. Ironically, Ghosts have 0 STR and cannot use Soul Blade. [*]Two-Handed weapons now put both hands on cooldown when thrown. [*]There's now an ember prefix, this is applied when weapons like clubs and quarter staffs touch flames. It eventually lights the weapon on fire, but this should help against enemies just suddenly getting flaming equipment. [*]Magnites can now reflect projectiles with their Heat Wave. [*]Merchants that sell shoes sell a pair of them, and you pay once to buy the pair. [*]Priest boss will now dodge shield toss. [*]Books now have a casting animation, preventing it from working with other attack animations. [/list] [hr][/hr] And that's the version for today! Thanks for your patience, and reading all the way through, I hope you have as much fun with this version as I have had! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/480fdaeea419dffe0f865dd510241e042cef2e10.png[/img]