Item Rewrite Nearing Completion


Based on traditional rogue-likes, Dredgers is a real-time dungeon crawler where you can play as 30 different races, each having their own stats and skills. With the unique class system you can mix and match classes as you desire, anything from an Archer-Knight to a Berserker-Summoner-Priest is possible!

Greetings dredgers, sorry for lack of updates over the past 3 months or so. I've been working on the item rework as I stated in my plans and it's taken a whiiiile. However, thankfully the update is now reaching the final stages of testing, bugfixes and qol improvements! So to recap the major points of this update: [list] [*]Rewritting the item system to allow for stuff like saving/translations. [*]Allowing items to have more than one prefix so loot (and eventually crafting) is more interesting. [*]Reworking item types in general to be improved. [*]Reworking the item tooltip so players get as much information as possible. [/list] This update will [b]not[/b] contain any new crafting stuff, in fact most of the crafting stuff will be more or less the same until next update. As of today, every item has been recoded into the game, and all the item systems are finished. Since a huge chunk of the game has been edited or rewritten, there's plenty of bugs which need to be found. So in order to avoid just throwing out the update into the wild like I usually do, I've decided to create a [strike]buggy[/strike] beta branch on steam for players to test. You can enter the beta on steam with the password [u]IDoNotCareAboutBugs[/u] The beta will be very buggy and you will probably lose many runs to random bugs, which I imagine isn't particularly fun. However if you do decide to play, I would love bug reports over on the discord! I'm sorry for the radio silence as I worked over the past few months, Once I realised I should probably say something to confirm I'm not dead, I didn't want to make a news post after all this time without at least something being available for you guys to try out. Thank you for your patience if you're still sticking around, and I'll hopefully have a stable version out soon o/