Version 45: Crafting UI overhaul, Maintenance


Based on traditional rogue-likes, Dredgers is a real-time dungeon crawler where you can play as 30 different races, each having their own stats and skills. With the unique class system you can mix and match classes as you desire, anything from an Archer-Knight to a Berserker-Summoner-Priest is possible!

Greetings Dredgers! I swear I haven't abandoned you! I apologise for the long wait for an update, a lot of personal stuff has been happening in my life which lead to a rocky few months, and by the time I got back to dredgers I had a mountain of work and bug fixing to do. During these few months I started work on another game to sell on steam, since I need to make sure I can keep working on games. Do not worry, I don't plan to stop developing Dredgers forever in favour of another game. To this end, I've hired my sister, Nonnen (the one who has been making all the update art), to help create art and sprites fulltime. This should massively speed up the creation of assets for my games. So my current plan is as follows: After the release of today's update, and the bugfixing that occurs afterwards, we'll be swapping over to a smaller game to finish. If you've been in the discord or on the forums, you might know that my plan was to recreate my first game, Roses and Gems. I've decided to create something more small-scale for now instead of R&G remake, since R&G is looking like it will take many months to complete. After the small game is done, there'll mostly likely be one or more Dredgers updates before jumping back to R&G. Throughout the development of these other games, I hope to occasionally do Dredgers updates, even if they're small content ones. Sorry for the delay with this update, and thank you for your patience! I really hope to turn Dredgers into one of the best rogue-likes available, so I hope you stay around for it, even if it takes months or years :) And with all that out of the way, here is the changelog. The changelog is mostly filled with small features and changes rather than one big exciting one, due to the nature of how this update was created. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/40975948846ed481147ca11d8a83297e55b1a3e2.png[/img] [i]Enemies are now able to spawn in parties of four! They'll be hostile to everything else, just like a real RPG party![/i] [h1]Main Changes[/h1] [h2]New Crafting UI[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/7d6c12a7fb8c1138b2fae521b010f438261296de.gif[/img] The main reason for this update was to create a new crafting menu. This will more or less serve as the basis for the other future crafting updates. Crafting prices have also finally been restored to proper values, so everything no longer costs 1 of a material. Dismantle and crafting are now available to everyone at level 1, however only basic items are craftable without craftsman. Rank 0 dismantle gives a random item when dismantling. (this is the default if you don't have crafter) Rank 1 dismantle lets you choose which item to get while dismantling. Rank 2 dismantle lets you get all items when dismantling. You can also now right click an item to find out what it is before crafting it, which leads onto the next change: [h2]New Info Boxes[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/de39f0f66aa2c71ca3fdf4df2c1bcaf1a9e4fe8f.png[/img] The item tooltip boxes have now been removed and replaced with 'infoboxes'. Infoboxes generically work for a lot of stuff, but are primarily used for items. 'Advanced Stats' has also been removed in favour of combining simple and advanced stats into one, so you have all the information and can see how it correlates to eachother. Since I added hyperlink support as well, you can also click to see what the base stats of the item are in a new box! One of the nicest parts of this update is that this is a window system, so you can drag the boxes around and position them where you like. [h2]Difficulty adjustments[/h2] Enemies now obey stat rules, this generally leaves them with lower stats than before. As a balance change, the amount of green EXP required goes up 3 levels earlier, putting the player about 2 levels behind at the start of the game (this isn't as harsh as it sounds, players are regularly 5ish levels up on enemies at the start of the game). Likewise, blue exp requirement is now equal to the current level, this is to make it actually relevant in later parts of the game. This change also makes picking to go sewers on floor 3 quite an important choice, as the rat swarms there give lots of blue exp if you're behind on it. Armour has also been increased by 5x the normal amount. This in combination with stat adjustments is to increase enemy resistance against burst, while lowering their damage to allow for non-archer dps and tank builds to be more viable. This also makes putting some points in DEF worth it as any class since it's as effective as health now if you have decent armour. [h2]New Attribute Calculations[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/976c6077035f6eb11d306b202c9917799b35a572.png[/img] This is something I've wanted to redo for a while. The way stats/attributes was calculated was always pretty rigid and made it so certain things just were incompatible with eachother. So now things are calculated much more indepth, allowing stats to be stacked a bit further. There are also now infoboxes for attributes, which try to give a far better break down of how attributes are calculated. Another important change is that 5 stat points per level is now the baseline for races instead of 3. This was an experimental change that actually turned out very nicely, so I've decided to keep it. Semi-related is that enemies now actually obey stat point rules, meaning they should have 'normal' stats for their level. [h1]Minor Changes[/h1] [h2]Character Infoboxes[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/f557a1cc870c6e8f56eb104ae45d1e85c0a4c9a1.png[/img] The character tooltip has now been replaced with an info box. It gives roughly the same information as before, but now also shows you their equipment (which can be inspected!) and if they will drop green exp. You are also able to view ally infoboxes and swap out their equipment if you want. Similarly the same can be done to enemy corpses, however when a character dies, their equipment is degraded, so it's often not that useful. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/bbbf74ab087b857952b947ff3641aaa1903be2fe.png[/img] [i]Enemies that are above your level will now have a skull to indicate so.[/i] [h2]Leaderboards[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/a9dc80956fcad409992a03d2f8d93b58e7f10e33.png[/img] Leaderboards will be reset this patch. Leaders boards now measure down to milliseconds rather than seconds. They also now save data so you can see which race/class someone used to complete the game. (also their ending race/corpse status) [h2]Mining[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/6151b6608ebd84e1f028b6672877b2a70321cb0f.png[/img] Each biome now has minable walls, with varying rarity. This should hopefully remove the bad feeling that comes with taking blacksmith outside of the dungeon. [h2]Wand Batteries[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/26a359c49b2a2eae973f38311d192f15556e96f1.png[/img] Wands have been reworked to store energy rather than adjust incantation cost/power. This generally helps the idea that scholars want INT over ENG, which is a view point I've shifted to as it makes the most sense. Currently wands will store energy based on INT and ENG, but this quite likely will change somehow in the future. Swinging wands also no longer consumes your own energy but rather consumes the energy inside the wand itself. [h2]Charms, Headgear and Footwear[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/29cc43ee26f02a35fae1190dc22aa3c082f397c8.png[/img] Shoes and charms have been reworked so they now increase your stats by a multiplier instead of a flat value. This also allows them to be affected by prefixes, so they don't feel as useless! Hats have also been changed so that most of them scale off level, allowing them to be modified by prefixes as well. [h1]Changelog:[/h1] As per usual, changelog is just a compilation of my #dev_logs on the discord, so it will not contain every single change unfortunately, but most of the major ones at least: [list] [*]Torches now apply fire stacks equal to level instead of 5 stacks flat. [*]VSync option added. [*]Enemies now push each other around. [*]Push radius decreased. [*]Critters no longer push things once dead. [*]Enemy AI tweaked so they follow better. This particularly effects melee. [*]Melee enemies aim better and back off if too close. [*]Parties and Necromancers now occasionally spawn as a challenge. [*]Thief type enemies have been split between beggars and thieves. Beggars have poor equipment, thieves have knives/fencing. [*]Sharp no longer increases all scaling, but rather increases STR, DEX and CON scaling, while lowering DEF scaling. [*]Reinforced prefix now allows the item to act as a shield. [*]Gloomp now gets 2 skill points on the level they don't get stat points. [*]Bows now properly consume energy if they have an energy scaling. [*]Wand Expertise Rank 1: Wands now take energy from the air, storing energy faster and no longer need food to recharge. [*]Wand Expertise Rank 2: Allows charms, melee and ranged weapons that do not have an INT or ENG scaling to be charged with energy. [*]You can now pay the shopkeeper 1 bronze coin to remove your trash. [*]Items crafted by players are now considered trash by the shop keeper. To get rid of the 'collect all materials, craft them into items, and sell them' gameplay that was unfun but optimal. [*]A quooz merchant will now spawn in a specific room in the melt, selling quooz-made items at obscene prices. [*]Hats have been changed to function off level, but mostly work the same as before. [*]Blood mask now heals on kill. [*]Slimes now dash when close, and shoot slime balls when far, the opposite of what they did before. [*]There 2 new curses and 3 new enchantments. [*]Gold key cost has been reduced. [*]Electricity damage has been changed. It still pierces armour, but can only be increase to a maximum of double the initial damage. This is due to enemies now being able to use it, which could oneshot armoured players. [*]Corpses no longer block arrows. [*]Arrows can now only crit on the first target hit, so piercing doesn't crit constantly. [*]Allies now level up when you do, instead of at the end of floors. [*]Scholar and caster enemies now resort to punching if they can't cast or are too stupid to. [*]If you try to descend with an enemy around, it will aggro them and make descending exceptionally slow until they are defeated. [*]Enemies who spawn with melee weapons will now generally spawn with weapons that match their stats. [*]Quooz now gain movement speed from DEF. However it's at a slower rate than other races get from SPD. It also has a lower cap. [*]Slime girls now properly lose the massive con per level bonus from slime, and properly gain more stat points. [*]Slimes now heal for x10 more when eating corpses. [*]Command Mastery now gives follower slots for every 10 INT as well as CHM. [*]You can now staunch bleeding with textiles. [*]Convoluted and annoying secret class added. You have been warned. [*]Geminates now spawn with their twins <3 [*]Two-handed melee weapon enemies no longer spawn with lunge/dash. [*]DEF no longer negates crits, this may be changed in the future again. [*]Light damage now pierces armour again, but 10% of your armour will block it. [*]Heavy Hits now makes one-handed swords work like two-handed swords. Two-handed swords still function the same as before, hitting slowly but harder. [*]Bows now slow you by 50% while drawing them. [*]Jogging mastery now doubles the bonus movespeed from SPD. [*]Domples can no longer spawn on floor 1. [*]Punch range has been increased. [*]Chitterer and Fragshin's heal ability is far stronger now and activates at half health. [*]You can now only pick up coins with free space in your inventory. [*]Starting enemy stats are now capped based on their level, not current floor. [*]Fixed a bug that caused you to get stuck in the dungeon forever if you kept visiting the castle endlessly. [*]You can no longer sell items to the shopkeeper for less or more than you bought it for. [*]Enemy Quooz now always spawn with quooz-made items. [*]Enemies can now spawn with better gear depending on tier. [*]Enemies can now see 50% further. [*]Bloodweaver is now a 'secret' class that requires either berserker or bloodfallen. [*]Bloodweaver has been modified to be a bit better and stronger to use. [*]Bloodweaver enemies are very scary now send help pls. [*]Dash base damage is now based on your punch damage. (So monk's iron fists give it DEF scaling) [*]Axes now have 0 knockback. [*]Thimbles can no longer 'dodge' effects like bleed, poison, etc. [*]DEF now helps mitigate the slow from poison along with CON, they also mitigate it better. [*]Coins now sparkle. [*]Critters with DEF now have natural armour. [*]Critters now attack faster if they have more DEX. [*]Acid potion now melts items off your body if you apply it, including cursed items. This damages the items. [*]Animated items now use ENG for their lunge/tackle. [*]Summoner now comes from both scholar and leader. [*]Most incantations, like summoner, healer, etc, now ALL use INT+energy for scaling. [*]Summoner and Artificer minions have roughly 10% of the stats they used to. [*]Certain summons now have no HP and use energy as HP. [*]Summoner now starts with 1 point in circle. [*]Wall clipping has probably been fixed. [*]Found a massive bug that was destroying FPS. FPS isn't magically fixed, but should be a better hopefully. [*]Furniture now reduce damage taken by a flat amount equal to their DEF. Furniture stats have also been raised. [*]Berserker's death toll no longer doubles STR and DEX, but rather adds CON to STR and STR to DEX. [*]Cure's heal is now halved for each debuff removed. [*]Regeneration and Malpractice both work on INT+energy, now and the infinite part of them is a lot weaker. [*]Gaining over 200% max health now makes you overweight and slow. [*]Gaining over 200% max energy slowly leaks energy and damages you for the amount leaked. [*]You can now bind dismantle to a key by right clicking the button. [*]Wights now gain their race's regular points at rank 3 half living, instead of a flat amount. [*]Round Toothed are now part of the domple racial group. [*]Animated items now get 7 stat points per level. [*]Allies will now sleep to heal but have no way to refill their hunger (yet) [*]Malpractice now only targets living enemies. [*]Lich's Phylactery can now be seen once you die, and it charge faster without enemies around. [*]Anything that has energy instead of health will not use energy below 10 for incantations, to keep itself alive. [*]Bread and slime now restore much less hunger. [*]Many various bugs have been fixed and some QoL changes have been made. [*]Boss Fight Changes: [*]King now moves drastically faster than before. [*]Banquet food now gives stats based on floor, not level. [*]Stew now always gives minimum 10 CON. [*]King gets pissed from being stunned/slowed too much and will occasionally cast cure to clear it. [*]King is less cheesable during cutscenes. [*]King's timer between attacks doesn't count up if stunned now. [*]King self-stuns after doing his spin attacks. [*]At the start of king fight, your phylactery will teleport to you. [/list] And that's it for this patch, it's been a long few months so I'm relieved to have this out. Once again, I apologise for such a generic patch to have taken so long but sometimes life just doesn't go as planned. I'm not entirely certain what the next patch will contain, the original idea was to add a materials system for the next update but that might be put on hold if I only have time for small patches. If I do land up doing small patches, I won't be surprised if I add a few classes and/or rank 2s and 3s for some classes. In terms of translations, work is being done there. The new infoboxes for example are fully translatable and items as well, systems wise at least. Saving is still no where in sight, sadly. Unfortunately for both of these features, they're rather low priority compared to everything else in the game. Thanks for reading and following development despite my months of absence, people like you who read to the end truly mean a lot to me, thank you! I'm almost always reachable through the discord if you want to talk to me there! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/35a848b4209fb62425ff94ac4ada91f40133e2e6.png[/img] [i]Friends in life, friends in death[/i]