Near-Future Plans


Based on traditional rogue-likes, Dredgers is a real-time dungeon crawler where you can play as 30 different races, each having their own stats and skills. With the unique class system you can mix and match classes as you desire, anything from an Archer-Knight to a Berserker-Summoner-Priest is possible!

Greetings all, I hope you've been having fun playing Dredgers, I can't say how excited I am to finally have it out and about in the world. I'd like to babble a bit about what's coming up and where I'd like to go with the game. Firstly, things that should be coming shortly in the next few days: - More fixes and QoL changes - Discord integration - Some minor polish Most of this is self explanatory, these next few days will mostly be "look and react" for me as I get feedback. Longer term goals I'd like to accomplish soon: - Add a 'Memory/Mind' System - Rework Dashes - Rework Classes - Release the first themed content update Big fore-warning: What I have here are just plans and ideas, I cannot promise any of them will be added, but these are things I would really like to do for the game. [h1]Memory/Mind[/h1] The Mind/Memory system I'd like to add is a way for me to better control what each character knows. This offers a few benefits to players and makes things simpler code-side. Everything the player knows, from incantations, to skills, to potions and scrolls to even how many enemies they have killed with be readable in the memory panel. Of course this isn't just for information, this system will allow me to add ways for players to learn abilities and incantations without needing to gain a class to do it. Primarily this will be in the form of learning incantations from books assuming you have enough INT. This will also allow me to make amnesia potions, which will make you randomly lose memories, either permanently or temporary depending if the memories can be re-learnt. [h1]Dashes[/h1] An issue I have with the game currently is how there are 5-10 different dashes, and none of them work well together. As a result, with the new memory system, once you get any of the dash skills, you will unlock a single generic "dash" move. However, each dash skill will become a passive which affects this generic dash. That way you could potentially combine all the dashes in the game so you have a sort of super deadly dash. [h1]Classes[/h1] The class rework is something I've had in mind to do for the last month or so. As it stands, you are required to invest 6 levels in pretty much every class other than the primaries. I find primary classes feel rather satisfying at 2 levels long, since one can quickly move onto the next class, allowing combinations easier than before. The general goal of the class rework is to accomplish 3 things: - Make each class only 3 levels long, allowing people to switch classes at a faster pace - Get rid of the extra rank for most abilities. Often times, most abilities have a useless rank which simply increases the damage or does something boring. - Allow for class ranks. The last goal is a bit ambiguous, but in short, class ranks are when you decide to level into a class again, in order to gain 3 new skill points for it and to gain 3 new skills. Each class will have 3 ranks, meaning if you spend 9 levels in it, you'll have a choice of 9 skills, with 9 skills points to spend between them. If you've understood this and are capable of basic math, you will realise this means the amount of skills in the game will practically triple. And since each rank of class is effectively/functionally a new class, this basically triples the amount of classes too. As you can imagine, tripling the amount of classes and skills available and reworking all the current ones will take a long time, and definitely won't be happening in one version. Once I have the new class system in place, I intend to convert each class over to it slowly while adding their new skills. [h1]First themed content update[/h1] I would like to release a themed content update in the near future, I don't have exact plans for this first one, but I do have a general idea. You can expect one new race at least, the proper implementation of the evolution mechanic and 2 new ways to accidentally kill yourself horribly. [h1]In conclusion[/h1] I must stress again, these points listed above are things I would really like to do for the game, but I cannot predict or promise how the future will go and plans may change as I work on the game more. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my rambling!