Version 40: First Boss


Based on traditional rogue-likes, Dredgers is a real-time dungeon crawler where you can play as 30 different races, each having their own stats and skills. With the unique class system you can mix and match classes as you desire, anything from an Archer-Knight to a Berserker-Summoner-Priest is possible!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/3eb4ea9f357a0102076f20989dc2c58f11f4aa88.png[/img] After quite a while working on it, the game finally has it's first boss fight! This brings with it a few new things that should probably all be explained separately: [h1]The King[/h1] As you may have guessed by looking at the images and title, the boss fight takes place in the castle, against the King and his aide. To reach the boss battle, simply all you need to do is go into the castle via the dungeon as usual, and descend into a trapdoor with a golden handle. Naturally you may just pass through if you do not actually intend to fight the boss, so don't worry about the castle now being a death sentence if you are not prepared. [h1]After the battle[/h1] Once you defeat the boss battle, you get the chance to end the game as a victory if you wish, or just simply head back down into the dungeon. The boss battle can only be fought once during a run, so no rematches. This may seem strange at first but will make sense when you discover certain strategies. If you do decide to continue playing, you'll have a few rewards from the fight, hopefully you brought a golden key however. [h1]Ending the game[/h1] If you decide to end the game, your completion time will be scored on one of two leader boards. Currently these leader boards are only available to view on steam community and during the in-game victory screen. During another update I'll be adding a proper leaderboard option to the menu. The first leader board is the speed run leader board: All it requires is defeating the boss in the quickest time possible and ending the game. Standard stuff. The second leader board is the 'complete' run leader board: As it implies, this leader board actually requires going through the entire game before defeating the boss and ending. For those competitive people who wanna focus more on having a good run to do well rather than relying on hyper optimising their times. For your run to count as a complete run, you must visit 6 areas: [list] [*]Dungeon [*]Castle [*]Sewers [*]Caverns [*]Melt [*]Labs [/list] I'm quite excited to see everyone's scores! So, since I've been working on this a week or two without much feedback, there may be some minor issues like 'imbalance' and 'completely breaking the game'. So I'll be working this weekend to fix anything that crops up. Sorry if anyone's experience is negatively affected due to this :( But hopefully none of that happens, so I hope you enjoy this update, and till the next one!