Version 39


Based on traditional rogue-likes, Dredgers is a real-time dungeon crawler where you can play as 30 different races, each having their own stats and skills. With the unique class system you can mix and match classes as you desire, anything from an Archer-Knight to a Berserker-Summoner-Priest is possible!

Another day, another patch! So as stated in the future plans post, I plan to rework majority of classes to improve them all. As part of that I really needed to update the class and race HUD, since while it was working and serving it's purpose, it really wasn't good enough. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35821711/ae2381c70b40b07ab0e4a3d21ad2fb27ab95393c.png[/img] [i]The empty black bar on the left is reserved space for buttons later.[/i] So a major change was made that certain classes combine when learnt, allowing you to splash points from the second class into the first class. While this is mainly for the rank 1, 2 and 3 of each class, it's also being temporarily used by some classes now. Other changes are scrolling being smoother and mouse-wheel support. You can now see how many skill points are remaining, and you now just click anywhere on the skill in order to level it up, rather than the tiny green button. Ability frames are now coloured based on rank, and some now have various frames, so you can easily tell at a glance what they are. Square Frame - Skill Round Square - Mastery Circle - Passive 'Leaf' - Song 'Star/Shield' - Incantation Similarly, races now evolve differently. Previously you had to reach level 10, then you could evolve your race. Now you simply need to put 3 points into your race (assuming the race can actually evolve, which is only slime->slimegirl at this point). Once you have, you get the option to evolve, which now adds skills to your race rather than replace it completely. In short, I can start doing class reworks now! Other Changes: - Fixed race essays not being scrollable in race select. - You can now see ability cooldowns in the top left of the screen. (the entire cooldowns system was actually rewritten as well as a bonus, and a lot of old code from months ago updated) - Since the game runs decently now, multi-paths have been opened up again for the first time in months. If it lags too much, will turn it off. - Armour now scales with max Armour. So if your max Armour raises, your Armour will raise to match. This was mostly due to monk not benefiting from DEF during the fight he was gaining it. Also buffs fizshrum - Armour SPD reduction can now be countered by STR. While this is inherent in armours currently, it might be shifted to knight's armour passive at a later date. - Imbue: Skeleton now works on dead bodies and doesn't require explosive rot first. - Slimes can now rank up their race passives to Rank 2, once they do this to all three they can evolve into Slimegirls, keeping their current skills and gaining 3 new ones. - Slime girls have gotten a third passive, due 'losing' total omnivore (since slime already has total omnivore, it would be a useless passive). The passive is "Voluptuous Curves: Gain 1 CHM per 4 CON" - Incantations are no longer on a single cooldown. Incantations now generate flux on body parts capable of casting. So if you have 2 arms, you can cast 2 incantations before you have to wait for flux to dissipate. This finally allows bloodfallen and seemujh to use their antlers again. - Fixed every ability with no cost using 1 energy for no reason. How did no one notice this one? - Tooltips have been tweaked again and no longer cover the inv, should make things far more manageable. - Various other QoL and Fixes Nothing big has changed gameplay wise this patch, but it was an important step for the game, and I'm glad to have it done. If you've been following the forums or watching discord, you may have read that I plan to add the first boss in the next patch, V40. This'll be a king in the castle. After the boss fight you'll have the option to finish the run or continue on. This is meant to be a way to give people a way to finish long runs if they so desire. Other than that, you can mostly expect fixes and more QoL changes next patch