Version 15.4

There are now New Game+ options at the end of PANAMA and NIGHTMARE, allowing you to restart the story with your end-game character and inventory. Also, there are new script commands to import/export the player character into different stories. Modders can now make stories with multiple parts and allow players to import their characters, along with select variables for story purposes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29239340/77e9a8883b3fa571f02ad8a5ce18b7b4e7aa8e63.png[/img] Also fixed some bugs reported by iakampa and Wick on Discord and zf13448 on Steam (see below). [b]Complete list of changes:[/b] SOURCE: -New functions in code to import/export player character and inventory, as well as a New Game+ option. -New script commands: "savePlayer", "loadPlayer", and "loadStory" (optional parameter to import player and variables). -New script Booleans for importing characters: "if_storyExists", "if_importPlayer", and "if_playerLvl". -Script command "resetVars" now has optional parameters to reset only a range of variables. -Character info screen now shows overall level (for importing player in mod scripts). SCRIPTS: -(PANAMA+NIGHTMARE) Added New Game+ option after beating NIGHTMARE and PANAMA stories. -Thug/merc dialogue about final faction side quests in Ch.8 now says to wait until flooding is over. -Security Worm Implant can no longer unseal the Pump Door on Oil Platform map in final chapter. -Fixed Master Techie having Voodoo icon in abilities menu (set to "none" in globals.bsl). -Fixed "pierce" damage in Android's INIT script to "melee" (obsolete damage type). -Fixed some other dialogue and typos, thanks to Wick and Chinese translators. RESOURCES: -Updated Builder's Manual.