Flooded City Mod Contest ($60 Prize)

[u]New Mod Contest (Deadline 1 March 2025)[/u]: Make a map set in a flooded city, with an objective that is underwater. First place gets $60, second place gets $30, and third place gets some Steam keys. Deadline is 1 March 2025. You can email your mod to me, or upload it to itch.io. Check out the MOD TUTOR story in the free EXTRAS DLC, the tutorial videos on Youtube, and the Brigand Builder's Manual. A map set in Shanghai in the Brigand universe would be ideal, as the city is mentioned in the game as being underwater, and a Chinese translation is underway. Shanghai means "up/above the sea", so you can call the map Xiahai, or "down/below the sea". Shanghai is just a suggestion. You can set the map in any flooded city with an objective that is underwater. Also, there's a relatively new command that nobody has used yet that makes the water level transparent from the surface, called "waterGhost=1". Should be called in the map script because it doesn't save. You can try it out for this mod if you want. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29239340/abbcd7529e1a7a426089031fa4812a40bb8b538a.png[/img] Also, time to celebrate the bubbles animation getting fixed. * * * Meanwhile, there's been a minor Brigand patch to fix a rare bug with doors starting out open, and more. It also seems like the latest version of Steam Proton works with Brigand on Linux Mint and Steam Deck, so no need to use v8.0-5 anymore. Lemme know if you can confirm that. [u]Complete list of Changes[/u]: -Fixed rare game-breaking bug where doors would sometimes start in open position (including important locked ones). -Fixed object angle pivot when importing a player, from new feature in previous patch. -Added notice to Launcher to use min HUD mode on Steam Deck. * * * [u]Future Plans for Brigand[/u]: -Chinese Translation. -More mod contests (once every 3 months or so). -More script commands and editor features for modders (open to suggestions). * * * [u]Blog Article[/u]: Also wrote a new blog article about Linux and why everyone at Microsoft should be fired: https://blancaster45.blogspot.com/2025/01/for-profit-office-software-must-die_18.html