Version 14.7

Fixed 3 script bugs with NIGHTMARE, including a major one with summoning Kalfu on bonus map, removed unnecessary skeletonArm.x files in PANAMA DLC that were causing crash on Steam Deck. Fixed bug with virtual keyboard keys 7 and 8. Launcher now detects if you're using Steam and hides Steam notes if not. Buffed Chilling Orb slightly, and prevented backtracking after talking to Marvin (he should never leave the underground). Final patch of all time. [b]Complete list of changes:[/b] SOURCE CODE: -Fixed touchscreen keyboard keys 7 and 8. -Launcher app now detects if Steam is open and displays Steam notes accordingly (for GOG). -Fixed bug with "giveToPlayer" and "giveToDefault" commands that would occasionally exit the current script. SCRIPTS: -Fixed Detect Motive dialogue option with Zac. -Buffed Chilling Orb from 6 to 8 damage (13 damage with 60 Voodoo). -Loose plank in Toxic Caves now breaks when you talk to Marvin (Marvin isn't allowed to leave underground). -(NIGHTMARE) Engineer now gets Woodcraft ability in character creation in NIGHTMARE (no Silencers ability). -(NIGHTMARE) Fixed bug where smoking coca leaves would not recharge Meta in NIGHTMARE. -(NIGHTMARE) Fixed bug with Kalfu dialogue in Shrouded Cove. RESOURCES: -(NIGHTMARE) Included missing Kalfu model in NIGHTMARE. -(PANAMA) Deleted skeletonArm.x models in PANAMA, which were crashing game on Steam Deck (default DBOs used instead).