Version 1.6.18 Minor update

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

Rebuild a ruined city in this post-apocalyptic mix of strategy and simulation. Manage survivors, scavenge for food and supplies, deal with rival gangs, illness, interpersonal strife and zombie attacks.

This update fixes issues with Steam achievements in the Mac version, and some other minor bugs. Also the interface for placing traps is a little better, and those faction related "friend" perks are now more useful. Thanks to everyone who reported these problems and others using the in-game bug reporter! Version 1.6.18 Changelog: [list] [*]Fix "corruption" error with some video cards while loading a game [/list] Version 1.6.17 Changelog: [list] [*]Disposables (traps, bombs, medkits etc) can be placed multiple times more quickly now [*]Added passive effects to faction friend perks (+10% to respect increases, +1% respect/turn when low) [*]Fixed wording on Stranger Danger options [*]Fixed survivors losing Devout trait at start of game from no churches [*]Fix rotten survivors being disease vectors [*]Fixed steam cheevos on mac [*]Upgraded to Adobe AIR 25 [/list]