Version 1.5.3 patch

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

Rebuild a ruined city in this post-apocalyptic mix of strategy and simulation. Manage survivors, scavenge for food and supplies, deal with rival gangs, illness, interpersonal strife and zombie attacks.

Various bug fixes and a mode that makes the game's colors easier to tell apart if you're colorblind. Hey and I finally fixed that perma-pause bug! Whoo! Thanks to the players who made that possible by reporting it from inside the game. Changelog: added color blind mode make rare events a little more common make cricket bats more common added REM PERK to the debug menu click on faction face to zoom over to their fort add where button to "Ally or Eliminate X Factions" goal fixed text for already equipped by someone fixed difficulty display text fixed game doesn't unpause due to hidden equipment/happiness menu fixed commander perk and some incorrect bonus level roundoffs