Version 0.2.8 patch - bug fixes, other

Lucky Tower Ultimate

Escape from a dangerous tower where everything can be a weapon. Lucky Tower Ultimate is a slapstick, roguelike adventure that looks like a cartoon and feels like a joke. Slashy slashy!

[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed gamefreeze when talking to companions during cup game [*] Fixed gamefreeze when companions demand too much gold after leaving tower [*] Fixed gamefreeze after Sobu shows the correct door and turns evil [*] Fixed wizards and trolls walking not over spikes (with impaled enemies) [*] Fixed armor render issues with bellies hanging out [*] Statuemaker voiceline adjustments [*] Falling through ground safety fallback [*] Several voiceline and localization fixes [/list] [h3]Other[/h3] [list] [*] Entering doors more lag resistant [*] Resolution optimization (you can now select "maximized window" as a new option) [/list]