Version 0.14 now live on default branch!

Starcom: Nexus

Suddenly thrown into an unknown galaxy, you must explore, fight or befriend aliens and transform your ship from a small survey vessel into a powerful battlecruiser to unravel the mystery of the forces that brought you here and find your way home.

[img][/img] Version 0.14 is now live on the main, "default" branch. Here's a list of non-spoilery changes since 0.12.x (version 0.13 was an opt-in only branch): [list] [*] Drone launcher tech [*] Warp hopper "shockwave" tech [*] Faster deep space "cruise" speed, techs to boost [*] More sectors [*] More planet anomalies [*] Map tooltips for planets, stars and artifacts [*] Ship speed in HUD [*] Changes to storm nebula [*] Corrected armor module values [*] Additional late game missions, content [*] Deep space discoveries [*] Improved mission log filter UI [*] Changed tech drop unlocks to make "bad rolls" less likely to keep players from acquiring a tech [*] More enemy ships [*] New threat model (used to calculate random encounters) [*] New alien race [*] New music tracks [*] Some fully procedural star systems [*] Load game screen shows thumbnail of last anomaly surveyed, to help identify save points [*] Added ability to delete saves from load game screen [*] Fixes to visibility system (determining who can see what) [*] Improvements to controller support [*] Option to disable controller auto-detect [*] Loading screen tips [*] Misc balance changes, tech costs [*] Misc bug fixes [/list] Also, there's a feature priority poll on the website. If you've played the game, [url=]vote on what you'd like me to prioritize in the next updates.[/url] [b]Save games are not compatible with content updates, but if you were in the middle of a game, don't panic. Your save game is still there and can be accessed by rolling back your client. The version you probably want is Beta 0.12 Stable. [url=]See here for instructions[/url].[/b] As always, if you encounter any bugs or have any questions or suggestions, submit them via F8, post in the discussion forum or [url=]join the game's Discord[/url]. Thanks for playing Starcom: Nexus! - Kevin