V4.8 Update: added two scenarios, various small improvements

Endless ATC

Endless ATC is a realistic air traffic control simulator with a simple, easy to use interface. The goal is to guide as many planes as possible safely to the runways. Find out how many flights you can manage to control!

[i]Hotfix 4.8.1 (23 Nov): Increased time limits of scenario 3 and 4 to make them a bit easier to complete, and minor bug fixes.[/i] What's new in version 4.8 (15 Nov): [i]General changelog:[/i] [list] [*]Added scenarios to LFPG and KJFK. The game now features 6 scenarios in total. To start the first one, click the scenario button in the traffic menu at EHAM airport. [*]Lower occurrence of callsigns ending with alphabet characters, when playing at airports/locations where these kind of callsigns are less common, for example in America. [*]Adjustments to lower the departure rate in case the outbound traffic rate is exceeding the inbound rate. [*]Land/takeoff flow rate estimation in the side bar is now calculated for a window of 10 to 20 minutes ago (given there were at least 5 landings/takeoffs in that time window). This larger window of at least 10 minutes will average short traffic spikes over a longer time and should give a better estimation of traffic flow. [*]Reduced vertical speeds of expediting planes a bit, mainly in case the forward speed is changing at the same time. [*]Blue text line breaks off into 2 lines in case it doesn't fit on 1 line. [*]When swiping clouds from the clouds button onto the radar screen, the wind setting buttons will no longer trigger/change winds unexpectedly. [*]Added degree symbol to the heading indicator of the right-click measuring tool, to make it easier to dustinguish it from the distance indicator. [*]Adjustment to allow fast-forwarding by pressing and holding the menu button also on Windows touch devices. [*]Added hints to the side bar to show the available mouse button shortcuts (for toggling ILS, altitude changes, OK, etc). The hints will automatically disappear after some time. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29483606/8e89668607be91e73bfc100175c44527a7232f69.png[/img] And regarding [i][url=https://startgrid.itch.io/custom-airports]custom airports[/url]:[/i] [list] [*]Optional setting of alphabet character likelihood in callsigns of airlines; see the '[i]letters[/i]' property in the [i][airspace][/i] section. [*]Added [i]tower naming[/i] value to runways; the tower name (pronunciation) can be added after the tower frequency value, to customize handoff readbacks. [*]Added '[i]miles to go[/i]' to the subtext when a plane is on an approach route towards a runway. [*]Corrected delay timer and fuel calculation, which was incorrectly calculated at large maps. [*]Allow for more departures when another runway used for landings intersects a takeoff runway. [*]Further increased the limit of the number of secondary airports and airspace radius. [*]Removed limit of number of airspace boundary segments. [*]Fixed toggling between approach routes of different runways when custom approach names are used. [*]Fixed approach route lower altitude limit for runways at a higher elevation. [*]Fix for possible skipping of altitudes of approach route waypoints. [*]Fixed drawing of heading line at the end of approach routes that are ending on a heading. [*]Fixed departure SID selection for scenarios. [/list] That's all for this update!