Update v5.6.3

Endless ATC

Endless ATC is a realistic air traffic control simulator with a simple, easy to use interface. The goal is to guide as many planes as possible safely to the runways. Find out how many flights you can manage to control!

[h3]Changelog of this small update:[/h3] [list] [*]Improved accuracy of zooming towards the cursor when using the scroll wheel to zoom (if relative zooming is enabled in the F7 menu). [*]Corrected ILS pronunciation in readbacks. [*]Emergency planes can now select higher speeds (above the usual 250KT limit). [*]Improved callsign selection based on plane spawn location; the callsign selection is now less random but more based on the 'spawn directions' as defined in the airline list of custom airports. [*]Slightly reduced the separation minima for departures just after takeoff; this should avoid incidents at custom airports with minimum altitudes close to the ground. At the default airports, the minimum altitude of at least 1500 feet avoids triggering of incidents anyway. [*]Bug fix for planes that could have both ILS and HOLD modes enabled at the same time, causing game instability. [*]Bug fix for occasional incorrect plane spawn altitude when multiple runways are in use. [*]Bug fix for emergency planes being unable to select the runway fixes of alternate destinations.[/list]