Update V5.2: Curved heading line, and many more small improvements

Endless ATC

Endless ATC is a realistic air traffic control simulator with a simple, easy to use interface. The goal is to guide as many planes as possible safely to the runways. Find out how many flights you can manage to control!

What's new in version 5.2: [h3]New features[/h3] [list] [*]Added curved heading lines as a display option, which draws a prediction of the turn radius of the selected plane. This can be helpful with timing a turn instruction, as it indicates the future position of the plane after a turn more precisely. Long-press the 'line' button in the 'display' menu to enable this feature. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29483606/47fa1922504721331805c1f98523b04decb94002.png[/img] [*]In custom traffic mode, the skill level is now fixed at a certain value, by default. In earlier versions, the skill value could still change during a game while the skill was limited by the 'cap' value. Now, the skill level remains fixed by default. Press the 'skill' button to toggle between this new 'skill f' mode (for a [u]f[/u]ixed skill level), and the old 'skill c' mode (for a [u]c[/u]apped skill level). [*]Holding the Shift key while dragging the mouse from a plane changes the label position.[/list] [h3]Minor adjustments[/h3] [list][*]The 'custom traffic' menu is now moved one level deeper into the traffic menu; this keeps the buttons of the 3 traffic modes (normal/custom/scenario), as well as the newgame and endgame buttons, easily accessible even when already in custom traffic mode. [*]Heading line length can be set to as low as 30 seconds, by clicking the 'line' button in the display menu. Tip: to further fine-tune the line length you can type [i]HLINE00[/i], replacing the zeros with the length in minutes times 10. [*]Departures are less likely to request further climb in case nearby arrivals may cause conflicts. [*]Added more variation to readbacks when using sound mode 3. [*]Beacons can be selected as near as 2 miles distance from a plane. [*]When the gameplay [i]timer[/i] is used, then the next time the game is started, the timer menu will be opened automatically, as a reminder to reset the timer for next play session. [*]Combined the 'go arounds' and 'missed approaches' counter into a single 'go arounds' statistic in the side bar, as they're basically the same thing. [*]When pressing and holding the right mouse button, the subtext shows the time to touchdown for planes on the localizer or on an [i]app[/i] route. [*]Added a 'controls' menu to the 'about' menu, just to inform users about the available mouse and keyboard inputs. [*]Re-arranged some hotkeys; F1-F2 changes simulation speed, F3-F4 changes heading line length, F5 toggles rings, F8 changes runway configuration. Unchanged is F9-F10 to change the skill level. [*]Tab key (to select a plane) now cycles through [i]all[/i] planes in control, with priority to blinking planes. [*]Cleaned up the local files folder structure. For example, the savefiles are moved from the root folder into a 'savegames' folder. On the first run after updating, the savefiles will be moved into the new 'savegames' folder automatically. [*]The button to open the (pdf) manual is now placed inside of the in-game help menu; the (now redundant) Steam launcher popup is removed. [*]For [url=https://startgrid.itch.io/custom-airports]custom airports[/url]: [list][*]In case of duplicate airport codes in different files, the game now ignores older airport file(s) when indexing the files, by comparing date of modification. This is to make sure that the newest version is loaded. [*]Long-pressing the airport select button shows filename of the currently loaded airport. [*]When typing an airport code while in the airport menu, pressing enter will load that airport. [*]More detailed file loading failure messages. [*]No more random arrival spawn positions. [*]Further adjustment to avoid delayed planes in huge airspaces. [*]Improved takeoff timing when there are nearby planes on final approach. [*]Ignoring the initial takeoff heading in case departure routes are in use, to avoid issues with route selection. [*]Fixed incorrect drawing of circular areas due to a rounding error of the radius.[/list][/list]