Update V5.3.1

Endless ATC

Endless ATC is a realistic air traffic control simulator with a simple, easy to use interface. The goal is to guide as many planes as possible safely to the runways. Find out how many flights you can manage to control!

Here's the changelog for version 5.3.1: [list] [*]Added icons on the buttons in the 'main' menu. [*]Clicking on the skill/wind/speed text at top of the screen now opens the corresponding menu, for quicker access to these settings. [*]L and R heading buttons are highlighted in case a turn is bigger than 150 degrees (was 180 degrees), to make it more clear in which direction the plane willl turn. The plus/minus icons are also bigger for better visibility. [*]Yellow turn curve is less glitchy when turning towards a beacon. [*]Blue subtext can wrap up to 4 lines to avoid text getting cut off. [*]Fix for possible incorrect number of active runways when reloading the game if the 'end game' button was used before. [*]Fix for possible incorrect game window position on startup in case [i]dpi scaling[/i] is used in Windows. If the game still happens to open out of view, you can maximize it via the taskbar, and then drag the window to your preferred position. [*]For [i]custom airports[/i]: the tower is able to release departures at a higher rate in case SID [i]routes[/i] are used, or in case there are intersecting landing runways.[/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29483606/9f42be42937e979a75452e02ab9304851cd9c7e4.png[/img]