Update v5.6

Endless ATC

Endless ATC is a realistic air traffic control simulator with a simple, easy to use interface. The goal is to guide as many planes as possible safely to the runways. Find out how many flights you can manage to control!

[h2]What's new:[/h2] [h3]Updates to all 9 airports[/h3] The updates include more detailed coastlines, changes to restricted areas, added displaced thresholds and waypoints on the localizer (where applicable), corrections for magnetic variance, and updates to various beacons/SIDs. Note: when loading an older savegame for the first time after updating, the newer runway data [i]may[/i] cause go arounds on some locations. [h3]Color customization[/h3] Added a Color menu, where you can toggle between various colors for things like labels, targets, runways, and more. You can find the Color menu in the Display menu. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/29483606/599207595d5bb05c65edac9b7e70738ca000101a.png[/img] [h3]Various adjustments[/h3] [list] [*]The heading of departures can now be adjusted without having to manually disable SID mode first. [*]Option to zoom towards the cursor instead of towards the center of the screen. See the Controls menu (press F7) to toggle the 'Zoom Relative' setting between 'Cursor' and 'Center of screen'. [*]Previous sound setting is saved when switching sound on/off. [*]Higher max rate of departures by having tighter margins to nearby traffic/clouds. [*]For [url=https://startgrid.itch.io/custom-airports]custom airports[/url]: [list] [*]Colored lines can be added to a new [background] section at the end of the file. [*]Lat/Long coordinates can be given in simple decimal degrees (so without needing to add letters) by setting [i]decimaldegrees=true[/i]. [*]Added optional localizer waypoint pronunciation. [*]The visible part of a circular area can be limited by headings using the [i]drawdegrees[/i] property [*]Added option to add more specific [i]from/to[/i] headings to the airline list. [*]See the example.txt on how to use these new features. [/list] [/list]