Update v4.9: More scenarios

Endless ATC

Endless ATC is a realistic air traffic control simulator with a simple, easy to use interface. The goal is to guide as many planes as possible safely to the runways. Find out how many flights you can manage to control!

Changelog: [list] [*]Hotfix v4.9.4 (21 Feb): Fixed invisible scenario buttons. [*]Added two more scenarios (Tokyo and Toronto), now totalling 8 challenges that require full focus and efficiency to complete without mistakes ([i]and[/i] within the time limit). Note that successfully finishing the first scenario unlocks the second one, the second one unlocks the third one, and so on. The first scenario can be started via the traffic menu at EHAM airport. [*]Measuring tool (right click) now shows headings on both sides of the line. [*]Adjusted the initial altitudes of some planes in the KJFK scenario, to make the first few minutes less hectic. [*]Smoother panning/zooming. [*]Several bug fixes and adjustments to [url=https://startgrid.itch.io/custom-airports]custom airports[/url]: [list][*]Fixed incorrect random entrypoint selection in case there are duplicate points in the beaconlist. [*]Fixed incorrect rounding of metric altitudes at low altitudes. [*]Fix for cruisers getting delayed when crossing very large airspaces. [*]Increased the upper range of the 'descentaltitude' property. [*]Fix for approach route sometimes not working when a 'rev' route was added before a non-rev one. [*]Fix for ignored speed/alt restriction of the final waypoint for approach routes ending in a holding. [*]Fix for possible unneeded go-arounds at high elevation airports. [*]Disabled incident triggering for planes outside of a non-circular airspace boundary.[/list][/list]Over 50 detailed airport files have been created and shared by users of Endless ATC, see [url=https://github.com/AdamJCavanaugh/EndlessATCAirports]this github repository[/url] where lots of ready-to-play files can be found (just copy the txt files into the [i]locations[/i] folder of the game) to try them out. For help with creating airport files yourself, you may want to visit this [url=https://discord.gg/v4wDGh3]community discord[/url]. Thanks for the feedback and enjoy controlling!