v29.11.2024b Changelog

The Local Playtest

[url=https://discord.gg/5fdgd8A6s8][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45017467/47fe6906f0f8d712101759a16b3a4e8797a5b385.png[/img][/url] [h1]Multiplayer[/h1] [h2]Late Joining[/h2] [list] [*] Players are now able to join any gamemode, even whilst a match is in progress (previously, this was only available for Timed and Zen Chat) [*] Behaviour for Timed and Zen Chat remains the same [*] For Capture and Infection... [*] + Players who join late will spawn at a random normal spawn (not the spawns on the starting island) [*] + In Infection, players who join late will be randomly assigned to a team [*] This logic also applies to any players who disconnected and then rejoined during the same match [/list] [h2]Capture[/h2] [list] [*] The battery now has a waypoint pointing down. The upward waypoint is now orange, and downwards waypoint is blue [/list] [h2]Ready System[/h2] Readying up is now just a suggestion to the host. The match can be started at any time, even if no one is ready. [h2]Other[/h2] [list] [*] You can now press a players profile image in the lobby, pause menu, or scoreboard to visit their profile [*] Fixed an issue where the chat was visible in the pause menu when pausing from the end of run screen [*] Mine carts now move when playing Timed in multiplayer, but their position is not synced on the server [*] + Mine carts will also now only move when the clock starts in Timed (this applies to online and offline play) [*] Fixed a bug where the chat would say "[PLAYER] was infected!" when a player died, even if they were already infected. For infected players, this now says "[PLAYER] perished!" [*] Fixed a bug where many player inputs still worked whilst in chat [*] Attempted a fix for a bug where the gamemode menu would be visible after returning to the lobby [/list]