v05.12.2024b Changelog

[url=https://discord.gg/5fdgd8A6s8][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45017467/47fe6906f0f8d712101759a16b3a4e8797a5b385.png[/img][/url] [h1]Multiplayer[/h1] [list] [*] All profile pictures (like the ones on end of run podium and MVP screen) can now be clicked to visit that users profile [*] All profile pictures now get updated when changed [*] Fixed a bug in Infection where non-host players could not see the current time scale (it would always just show "x1") [/list] [h1]Other[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where where Slingshot Ghost Lines would show when Ghost Lines are disabled [*] Fixed a bug where mine carts would move before the timer started when playing Timed offline [*] Balloons in Timed courses will no longer be culled so they are always visible no matter how far away you are (within reason...) [*] Small changes to the world [/list]