The Game Night Update (Multiplayer)

[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45017467/47fe6906f0f8d712101759a16b3a4e8797a5b385.png[/img][/url] The Game Night Update finally brings multiplayer to The Local with 2 new gamemodes, as well as support for Timed and Zen. [h1]New Gamemodes[/h1] [h2]Capture[/h2] [list] [*] A capture the flag-esque gamemode where you need to steal and hold onto a battery for a set period of time to win. [*] Everyone spawns in the centre of the map around the battery [*] Steal the battery and hold on to it to win [*] While holding, your max health will gradually decrease and water will electrocute you [*] At the end, the winner is decided by who had the least time remaining [*] At least 3 players is recommended [/list] [h2]Infection[/h2] [list] [*] In this gamemode, the Infected players must try to infect all other players. The Uninfected players must last until the timer runs out. [*] Uninfected players can capture the radio towers across the map to make the clock go down faster [*] Radar map to show where other players are, where the towers are, and their capture progress [*] Go for the MVP spot on your team [*] Infected scoring is based on how many players you infect [*] Uninfected scoring is based on how much time you spend capturing towers [*] At least 5 players is recommended [/list] [h1]Returning Gamemodes[/h1] [h2]Timed[/h2] [list] [*] All courses can be played online [*] The best time achieved by anyone during the session is shown above the Ghost Data HUD [*] Chat notification for when you beat your highscore [*] If the host returns to the lobby whilst you are mid run, you will be automatically disconnected and will be able to seamlessly continue the run offline as to not ruin a potentially great run [*] When viewing the leaderboard, the friends tab is replaced with a lobby tab which shows the times of everyone in the lobby [/list] [h2]Zen Chat[/h2] [list] [*] A chat room experience [*] Everyone spawns in The Local radio station [*] Play naughts and crosses [/list] [h1]Lobby[/h1] [list] [*] Your home away from home. [*] Host a lobby [*] Gamemode and gamemode options [*] Set the lobby name [*] Player limit [*] Visibility [*] Voice chat mode (proximity or global) [*] All of these options can changed even after the lobby has been created [*] Join a lobby from the lobby browser [*] Filter by gamemode and physical distance [*] Ready up system [*] For Timed and Zen, no one needs to ready up. Players who join a Timed or Zen server that is already in game will be automatically put in game as well [/list] [h2]Wardrobe[/h2] [list] [*] Character customisation options include: [*] Primary colour (face, and neon parts) [*] Secondary colour (accents) [*] Body colour (everything else) [*] Face [*] Hat [/list] [h2]Communication[/h2] [h3]Voice chat[/h3] [list] [*] The host can chose between proximity and global chat [*] Adjustable audio ducking to make other sounds quieter when someone is speaking [/list] [h3]Text chat[/h3] [h3]Location ping[/h3] [list] [*] Places a ping where you are looking [*] Pings can be entirely disabled or you can just have the ping sound disabled [/list] [h1]Timed[/h1] [b]New courses:[/b] [list] [*] Origin - Splits course [*] Ahoy! - Aim course [*] + This course is very long, with balloons spread all across the map [/list] [b]Change:[/b] [list] [*] Northern Descent has had its finish point moved further away. The leaderboard has been reset and your data will be erased (excluding the runs and attempts counters) [/list] [h1]Orders[/h1] [list] [*] Special Deliveries now pay more if you can complete them within a certain period of time [*] + The maximum bonus is +30% of the base payment [*] + The time you have to receive a bonus is the base payment divided by 60 [*] + The bonus will be constantly decreasing during this time [*] The Tip perk now just simply gives you a stacking $500 on top of a Special Deliveries' payment [/list] [h1]Movement[/h1] [list] [*] Previously, smoothing was applied at a fixed rate when rail grinding to stop you from instantly snapping to rails. This works fine at normal speeds but extremely high speeds, like the speed you get on an infinite loop, would cause you to eventually be stuck in the middle of the loop or greatly offset from where you should actually be because the smoothing was too slow. Smoothing is now applied based on your rail speed which should also make most rails feels just a little bit sharper (should also note that you can still get this behaviour of being offset but this only occurs if you are moving at something like 5000+ U/s so I don't think it's a big deal lol) [*] Improved the consistency of launch height on rails [*] Due to quite a few factors, it's quite difficult to get this perfect on rails that have a very sudden change in angle. Fortunately, there aren't many of these rails around the map. I have changed one. If you notice any others than let me know and I'll fix it. [*] Fixed a bug where you sometimes wouldn't get launched upwards on a rail at all. This seemed to be particularly problematic on low frame rates [/list] [h1]Other[/h1] [list] [*] The Part-Time orders contract card now says the correct time and sale amount [*] Fixed a bug where Order waypoints would seemingly randomly extend for 1 frame and then shrink again when on the title screen [*] Fixed a bug where cancelling a rebind would prevent all input from working [*] Fixed the second part of the Advanced Movement tutorial as it was impossible due to the changes made to movement since the tutorials creation [*] Small changes to the world [*] Small UI changes [*] On launch, if you notice that the Beginner course is selected when you last had something else selected, that is fine. I have just renamed the variable that stores that data and it will continue to function as it previously did when you select a different course [/list]