V0.888 New Kind Of Hell

Endgame: Road To Salvation

A high-octane road trip through a besieged world during a demon-infested zombie apocalypse. Rescue survivors, form a caravan, call in various support drops or air strikes, loot random structures for supplies or craft them yourself, modify common vehicles into post-apocalyptic machines of war.

[h2]Hello Survivors![/h2] The New Kind Of Hell Update is finally here, and brings with it a massive list of new content, bugfixes, and general system improvements. [h3]The main feature of this update is the new Hellgate system, which creates a procedurally generated and destructible island in the demonic plane with random locations and epic loot. Find a way to bring down the towers and destroy the gates from within! The Demonic Plane can be very difficult, but the risk is worth the reward so make sure you are packing some serious firepower and fix yourself up as best you can before taking a chance. Every gate you shut down will make the next even more difficult, but also provide you with more rewards. [/h3] Hotfix 0.8882 has been released to address some new issues from the new systems and to add a community suggestion. The passenger fire/aim code wasn't working properly, as well as a few other bugs that needed crushing. The changelog is available below. True flight has been added to Dragons and Hunter Mechs. Dragons will now strafe and harass their prey and Hunter Mechs will fly to advantageous positions to fire on the player with new updated weaponry and effects. Four new audio tracks have been added, as well as updated sun lighting, now with much nicer shadows using proper distance fields. It should eliminate the shadow flickering that would sometimes occur at larger distances. The Item Information tooltip now shows the resource value for the whole stack while you are in the colony, this is useful for determining the resources you will gain for sending items to the caravan. Added delta time to gamepad camera movement, also increased the default control speed a little in vehicles, trailers, and while in the passenger seat. Aiming/firing from the passenger seat has received an overhaul, adding zoom and recoil. Tires were squealing too much during turns for my liking, I've limited the frequency and general volume to a more manageable level. I'm always interested in hearing your stories about the game, as well as your suggestions and bug reports, it all helps in the end. I hope you enjoy the update! [h3]V0.8882 Hotfix[/h3] -Fixed the flaws in the passenger fire code and recoil, should now be working as intended -Reduced damage of Deadfall zombies hitting vehicles -Adjusted values for weapons/vehicle mods/electronics that provide firepower to the caravan -The resource return information will now be presented with the fraction visible to be more accurate -Area clear on respawn will now affect all enemy faction types as opposed to just giants -Added temporary quit button on the multiplayer screen, will update with a return to main menu function soon -Can now hold the d-pad buttons in char creation for quicker navigation -Slightly lowered volume of char creation audio -Fixed colony firepit shadows -Char creation booth updated with new visuals and closer camera (booth is used when a player drops in) -If dialogue is open, will now force mouse visible if not using a controller -Fixed up some dragon code for splitscreen detection -Minor changes to Dragon fireball code -Fixed an issue where dropping in a player 2 while in the colony could cause a teleportation loop -Pushing a vehicle would stop physics, even if there was a driver in the vehicle -Moved push vehicle code to Interact button instead of enter vehicle button -Updated Demon blade attack code -improved fire weapon input code for passengers to match on foot fire weapon input system -Fixed an issue where the laser carbine was being treated as a rocket rifle as a passenger weapon -The v-sync issue has also been causing some issues with vehicle/mod/passenger placement, set up a forced v-sync toggle to see if that helps remove invisible walls etc. without having to keep v-sync on -Adjusted pricing on a few more vehicle mods -Minor adjustments to Hellscape generation [h3]Updates and Content V0.888[/h3] -Added a new Hellgate system with procedural island generation and destructible terrain -Added true flight to Dragons and Mechs -Added new combat/flight code to both Dragons and Mechs -Item information widget will now show resource returns for sending items to caravan while in the colony -Adjusted Vehicle + Trailer collision damage values (Mass and velocity have more effect, Some objects no longer cause damage if physics is active, less overall damage from impacts) -Added Friendly fire check to damage caused by vehicle/trailer collisions, less danger of destroying ally if friendly fire is disabled -Changed the player's attack code, pressing attack too early will not ignore the input for single fire/melee attacks anymore -Added one new BGM track to character creation -Added two new radio tracks! -Added one new BMG track that only plays in hell -increased controller cam movement speed while in vehicle turret/trailers/passenger -Added delta time to camera control values, ensuring proper camera movement speed at all performance levels -Lowered tire squeal frequency and volume -Added "eye turrets" to some hellscape scenes -removed some unnecessary props from hellscape scenes -Fireballs and rockets can now be shot and destroyed in flight -Added LOS checks to fireball/ some other ranged attacks -Adjusted damage values for destroying doorframe walls with regular attacks -Convert Vehicle support option (and a few other vehicle mod supports) will now remove existing mods instead of deleting them, then add them to the player inventory (or drop them to the ground if inventory is full) -Skeleton Variants will only spawn 30% of the time -D-pad up/down can be used for dialogue and trading menu selection -Lowered Titan spawn frequency -Enemies and vehicles no longer affected by debris physics to avoid weird physics glitches and improve navigation performance -Updated Zombnado code and performance -Changed how distance structures and actors are removed from the game, now properly assigning ownership as needed. Should boost performance to use the built in system -Horrors/Dragons/Fireballs etc will no longer affect player physics, preventing players being unnaturally launched regardless of mass -Reduced default night/apocalypse spawns slightly -Bandit ambushes are no longer announced on screen -Goal actors/NPC Info widgets on NPCs are less "twitchy" during ragdoll -Virgil will now temporarily retaliate if attacked -Adjusted recoil effect on firearms -Complete overhaul of the passenger aim/fire code, now matches on foot firearm code + recoil -Added zoom functionality to passenger aim -Further adjustment to vehicle armor mod values (wood armor stronger) -Removed area clear on Death (was causing large enemies to be destroyed while other player still engaging) But enlarged area clear on respawn -Lowered required XP for high ROF weapons skills -Added a hard limit of offspring that queens can spawn to prevent over-farming -Headlight brightness slightly reduced -Nighttime brightness slightly increased -Adjusted some vehicle mod prices -Vehicle mods (turrets) now show durability in Item information widget -Tornado Audio is now based on distance from player -Enemy spawns for buildings will now check for a roof before spawning, to prevent enemies spawning in destroyed buildings -More hellgates will spawn based on threat level -NPC/Bandit Auto shotgun was too powerful, they now use burst fire instead of full auto -Nighttime spawns now spawn enemy types based on less distance/threat range, meaning more variety earlier -Updated water kill collision code -Added (click to hide) to dynamic controls widget -Prevent soldiers from being spawned too early in the lab levels -Added death screen tip about accessibility and difficulty controls -Zombie attack triggers damage slightly faster [h3]Bugfixes[/h3] -Fixed vehicle relocation code to instead find and delete any buildings/towers near the player on game load -Fixed issue where Players entering motorcycles/quads as passengers would have the wrong animation -Fixed player direction when sleeping in bed/bedroll/tent -Fixed player direction when Reviving partner -Fixed bug where the zoom button would activate your weapon scope without holding the aim button -Fixed the leaky roof bug, rain is now hidden while indoors -Fixed weather display and weather detection bug in the inventory screen -Fixed bug in the Item information widget, ammo capacity will now take weapon mods into account -Fixed Vehicle/Trailer Laser Code -Fixed unnatural landscape collisions with vehicle -Fixed Horror audio pitch to be more consistent -Fixed Issue that would cause the tornado to destroy collision for landmark structures -Fixed bug where the progress bar would remain visible if player gets up under a vehicle or trailer -Fixed Mid-size car was flipping too easily -Fixed Horror Multi-hitting targets on stomp -Fixed gate teleportation code for proper teleportation of players, vehicles, trailers, etc. -Fixed a relocation issue that was happening on game load that would occasionally result in death/destruction under landscape -Fixed max plow value in the vehicle inspection modifications screen -Installing wood armor on your vehicle will now provide the proper durability -Fixed an issue where enemy AI was unable to properly see players from a distance -Fixed a bug that updated player 1's vehicle inspection screen with player 2's vehicle mods on drain -Fixed shadows on sun lighting, now properly uses distance fields and looks much nicer, should fix the shadow flickering issue as well [i][b]Join IndieAnonGames on social media TikTok- @indieanongames Youtube - [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCblROKBoh3enSwgcTP0Q2tQ]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCblROKBoh3enSwgcTP0Q2tQ[/url] Instagram - [url=https://www.instagram.com/indieanongames]https://www.instagram.com/indieanongames[/url] [/b][/i]