Command your carrier ship and lead covert operations against a ruthless enemy in this immersive sci-fi tactical RPG. Send your fighters on missions, loot, upgrade your ships and train new officers and pilots.
Hi Friends,
-Some minor bugs have been fixed.
-The tutorial page for Scan and Loot was missing in the old version, it has been added to the “How To Play” section.
[h3][b]-Neural Network Tactical Speed bonus[/b][/h3]
Now Neural Network not only speeds up or slows down the game, but also provides bonuses to the player. When you set the Neural Network to the “Slow” or “Tactical” speed setting, this technically means that the brain and body functions of your entire crew and pilots will reach a speed that can compete with artificial intelligence. As a player, you may find the tactical map “slowed down”, but on the battlefield, your tiny NPCs have gained a significant advantage over the AI. They can target the enemy better, they can hit more critical/sensitive points of the enemy and so on:
[*] With Slow Speed, all your weapons do [b]x1.5 more damage.[/b]
[*] With Tactical Speed, all your weapons do [b]x2 more damage.[/b]
Neural Network is now closer to its purpose in the story.
[h3][b]-Started testing new features[/b][/h3]
[b]Officer skills[/b] will go live shortly. We are preparing hundreds of new skills for officers and pilots. But before we go live with this major update, we wanted to see a small test live...
For now, you can only see the first 3 abilities of the [b]XO[/b] on The Bridge Panel. The first two of these abilities are currently active for testing purposes.
One of them freezes the countdown of the Neural Network for 30 seconds.
The other one increases The Father's speed by 50% for 30 seconds.
If you use both abilities, you'll be able to keep time fast for a longer period of time and increase The Father's speed by 1.5 times, allowing you to cross large gaps in space faster.
Or, if you prefer, you can use Neural Network's “tactical speed” for longer, allowing you to utilize the x2 damage advantage against large groups of enemies for longer.
Have Fun.