
Dickdown Duel

Dickdown Duel is an erotic card game RPG about a card game that got lewd cards modded into it. Acquire new cards, build decks, challenge cute girls and dominate them in Lewd card based duels.

It's been brought to my attention after all these months by a member of the pirate community of all things that the toys you equip on nat werent showing properly in her defeat animation. It took a few hours of headscratching with everything looking right to realise that not letting the animation loop was preventing them from doing anything not sure why they needed to not loop in the first place. the method was actually pretty funny to work out to begin with, because if you play an animation when a model isnt visible, it doesnt do anything, so theres actually a 0.00001 scale nat defeated animation there at all times to reflect the changes as you equip them to her battle model... it just occured to me that it might fail to remove them when someone uses singularity, so i should check that too.