Update 10/07/2022

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl

Brawl it out with your Nickelodeon favorites in epic platform battles.

[b]General [/b] [list] [*] Rocko joins the battle as a DLC character! [/list] [b]Balance[/b] [list] [*] Universal[list] [*] Crowdpush speed reverted [*] Royal Woods Cemetery [*] Blastzones and camera zoom now the same as competitive stages [*] Added to competitive stage rotation [*] Sewers Slam [*] Added to competitive stage rotation [*] Harmonic Convergence [*] Removed from competitive stage rotation [/list] [*] Characters balancing (More details in this [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CavvlIIHEMp56ysHXrkd6fo1fQz8x_Cx5ldrs9Dyom8/edit]link[/url]) [list] [*] Sandy [*] Korra [*] Leonardo [*] Michelangelo [*] April O’Neil [*] Shredder [*] Ren & Stimpy [*] Powdered Toast Man [*] Nigel Thornberry [*] Danny Phantom [*] Reptar [*] Helga [*] Zim [*] CatDog [*] Oblina [*] Jenny [/list] [/list]