- Fixed Ace and Mage shadow positions;
- Fixed Tutorial Dummy armor;
- Added Poison Sigil and Static Field abilities in Freezer stage;
- Added Swarm and Dark Pulse abilities in Lab stage;
- Added Barrier and Silence abilities in Cave stage;
- Added Void Ray ability in Sanctuary stage;
- Removed Void Ray and Metamorphosis abilities in Cave stage and Boss Run mode;
- Updated musics at Underground stage, Freezer stage, Lab stage, Cave stage, Boss Run mode and campaign extra modes;
- Added new menu theme;
- Updated abilities and passives balance;
- Updated abilities and passives tooltip layout;
- Updated some abilities special effects;
- Mirror Image clones from Spellthief Boss are now ethereal;
- Removed Plague Frog MASSIVE armor reduction;
- Removed fullscreen feature, added maximize window feature;
(Poison Sigil ability preview)