Update 1.33

[h2]Merchant - Changes[/h2] > Added Metamorphosis spell at Cave merchant. > Added Drain spell at Courtyard merchant (replacing Flame Ring spell). > Added Whirlwind spell at Laboratory merchant (replacing Fire Bomb spell). [h2]Skills - New[/h2] [h3]Metamorphosis[/h3] Level: 5 Energy cost: 300 Gold cost: 3000 Cooldown: 60 seconds Description: Transform the user into a powerful demon for 15 seconds. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42467996/67f7d9292b923b6b3f83244510dad51952c97642.gif[/img] [h3]Demon abilities[/h3] [b]Akuma no Ikari (Passive)[/b] - After dealing damage, fires a lesser chaos bolt to nearest enemy unit dealing AoE damage with lifesteal. [b]Akuma no Shotto[/b] - Fires a chaos bolt dealing AoE damage with lifesteal. [b]Yugami [/b]- The user blinks and left a ilusion behind. [b]Kurayami [/b]- Deal AoE damage around the user and stun enemies. [h3]Drain[/h3] Level: 2 Energy cost: 20 to cast / 0.8 + 0.1% AP each 0.04 second(s) Gold cost: 700 Cooldown: 0.40 second Description: Creates a stream of dark energy in the direction the user are pointing which drains the life of the enemies dealing damage each second and healing the user and slowing the targets. It consume energy each second. Recast to stop channeling. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42467996/6ef3f6a29f09eb9027d811b2e2e943f7703743a9.gif[/img] [h3]Whirlwind[/h3] Level: 3 Energy cost: 150 Gold cost: 1800 Cooldown: 14 seconds Description: Creates a vortex at selected point that suck all nearby enemies dealing damage every second and slowing the targets. The vortex lasts a few seconds. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42467996/d085718d513c0742e03545c3a1f8e8a8e9066450.gif[/img] [h2]# Skills - Updates[/h2] [h3]War Stomp[/h3] Energy cost: 300 -> 200 Cooldown: 26 -> 20 seconds Cast time: 0.25 -> 0.05 second AoE: 325 -> 350 [b]Developer Comment:[/b] War Stomp needed to become more powerful to be more attractive for a endgame ability. [h3]Finger of Death[/h3] Cooldown: 30 -> 16 seconds Damage: 231 + 31% AP -> 231 + 35% AP Bonus damage on target's missing health: 20 -> 33% Now shows the warning of being less effective against bosses. [b]Developer Comment:[/b] We want to Finger of Death becomes more impactful throughout the adventure. [h3]Borrowed Time[/h3] Energy Cost: 150 -> 110 Cooldown: 24 -> 16 seconds [b]Developer Comment:[/b] This ability wasn't worthy to be casted at majority of situations, we hope to change its fate... a little bit. [h3]Reflect[/h3] Energy cost: 35 -> 55 - 1% AP Cooldown: 1.00 -> 0.75 second Damage: 100 + 12% AP -> 0 (removed) [NEW] Now enemies hit are knockbacked. [b]Developer Comment:[/b] We're removing the non-sense damage from the ability and replacing by a knockback (more logical), improving its QoL and finally adding some scaling option. [h3]Power Shot[/h3] Channeling maximum duration: 12 -> 8 seconds. [b]Developer Comment:[/b] Overextending can be dangerous. [h3]Curse of the Swamp[/h3] Total missiles: 30 -> 60 [b]Developer Comment:[/b] A SFX improvement. [h3]Telekinesis[/h3] No longer ignores tenacity. [b]Developer Comment:[/b] You can't damage what you can't move. [h3]Fireball[/h3] Updated blast SFX. [h2]# Passives[/h2] [h3]Kinetic Knight[/h3] Burst Delay: 3.00 -> 0.25 second No longer activate another passive effects. [b]Developer Comment:[/b] The kinetic knight burst will no longer extends damage over time effects like Soul Burn. [h2]# Units - Updates[/h2] [h3]Warden[/h3] Assimilate - damage convertion to shield: 250 -> 100 % Bleeding - slowness: 20 -> 0 % Bleeding - physical armor reduction: 15 -> 0 % Bleeding - damage: 18 -> 24 per second Bleeding - stack limit: 1 -> 3 times [b]Developer Comment:[/b] We're removing the Warden incredible resistance especially against summoners but increasing their damage through bleeding effect. [h3]Ace (Sandbox)[/h3] - Removed spells: Explosive Star, Steelstorm and Conduit Missiles - Added Summon Skeletons spells - Campfire Heal per second: 15% AP -> 20% AP [b]Developer Comment:[/b] We hope to Ace become a fair training comrade. [h2]# Maps - Updates[/h2] [h3]Boss Run - Spells removed:[/h3] - Static Field - Flash [h3] Boss Run - Spells added:[/h3] - Drain - Water Gun - Metamorphosis - Arcane Orb - Curse of the Swamp - Borrowed Time