Update 0.709

Rogues Don't Cry

Rogues Don't Cry is a mix of roguelike and strategy game. Choose your hero, build an army, explore and fight enemies in a harsh procedurally generated world, with semi permadeath and a strong final boss.

Hi everyone, Major performance optimizations for this update. First 3 items took a long time, but now the game runs a lot faster. [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Opening the inventory when having >150 units in late games was getting slow, improved speed by 60% [*] Town UI: Same [*] Battles: many summons can now appear without too much FPS drop [*] Changed formula for treasure quality [*] Nerfed Carrier formula [*] Monster generator units levels are now set according to their power [*] Nerfed slings [*] Changed formula for thorn [*] Increased prices of mounts [*] Increased thieves traveling speed [*] Increased fire defense of golems [*] Dungeon bonus are now displayed as icons [*] New crafted battles formations: thieves + heavy hunters [*] Crystal cloak now protects against cold and fire [*] New crafted battles formations: exploding crystals + jellies [*] Improved dungeon worldmap objects models [*] Edited secret dungeon battles: it now has a custom biome [*] Improved ghouls defense [*] Rebalanced battle waves loot [*] Outcasts no longer use shields but gain berserk [*] Nerfed boulder attack delay [*] Changed keep model [*] Swordsmen no longer use shields [*] Leprosy is now 15% more deadly(and annoying) [*] Ballistae and catapults will now spawn as enemies [*] Loyalty now affects taunts [*] [/list] [h3]Fixes [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed chests would give duplicate items [*] Fixed bug where flying units would not attack gates [*] Fixed 3d sounds on some units [*] Fixed the charge AI on units [*] Fixed gates damage popup [*] Fixed gates that would turn around [*] Fixed issue with text and framerates [*] Fixed performance of idols [*] Fixed various bugs with town recruitment [/list]