Update 0.706

Rogues Don't Cry

Rogues Don't Cry is a mix of roguelike and strategy game. Choose your hero, build an army, explore and fight enemies in a harsh procedurally generated world, with semi permadeath and a strong final boss.

Hi everyone, Here are the highlights from latest update. [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Rebalanced the jock trait for warrior [*] Increased wolverines acceleration [*] Increased base acceleration for all units [*] Giant weapons now have demolition [*] Decreased most cutting damage of swords [*] Increased cutting defense of armors [*] Added special fx for mana shield [*] Tweaked mana shield settings [*] Updated Beholder speed sand stats [*] Added sound effects for summons [*] Updated fire orb [*] Rebalanced crocodile armor [*] Rangers now use crossbows [*] Improved drunken bandit event [*] Rebalanced the arena [*] Overworld speed cap increased to 30 [*] Removed potion of traveler, wasn't useful enough [*] Recruitable heroes now have a special color to distinguish them [*] Improved units turn rate in battle [*] Updated description for missionaries and their skills [*] Updated town upgrades [/list] [h3]Fixes [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed secret cave layout, balance and bugs [*] Fixed tail ability and animations [*] Fixed mana shield bug and UI [*] Fixed summoning messages at the start of battle [*] Fixed summoning UI [*] Fixed healing gem tooltip [*] Fixed display radius bug for weapons reach [*] Fixed bug where units would spawn in the air [*] Fixed glitch in attack delay display [*] Fixed glitch with thorn damage display [*] Removed unusued ability from slimes [*] Fixed various log bugs [*] Fixed healing plants messaging [*] Fixed gem of curiosity icon [*] Fixed bug that would force all units on the battlefield in catacombs [/list]