Update 0.708

Rogues Don't Cry

Rogues Don't Cry is a mix of roguelike and strategy game. Choose your hero, build an army, explore and fight enemies in a harsh procedurally generated world, with semi permadeath and a strong final boss.

Hi everyone, Here are the highlights from latest update. [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Improved Jelly animations [*] Improved big slimes [*] Tweaked power formula for late game spawns [*] Fixed Strength status effect formula [*] Unicorns now have an aura of protection that protects your units againsts elements [*] New siege weapon: Cannon. Weak defense compared to other siege engines but high offense [*] New ability: inflate. When this unit kills an enemy, it gains strength [*] Improved golem defense [*] New world map object: rescued units. They will join your team. [*] Tweaked world map object generation settings [*] Dust storms now reduce ranged damage by 25% [*] Disarm traps now give a chance to sacrifice a unit for a trap if the party failed to disarm it [*] New unit: thief. Will steal your gold and run away. You will like it a lot. [*] Rebalanced traveler skill [*] Heroes now have 1 random starting trait [*] Leeches now move a little faster [*] Cause random effects now include push [*] Rebalanced some permanent blessings [*] Beholder melee attacks now push [*] Nerd trait now gives 15% xp instead of 20% [*] Increased arena power by 10% [*] Rebalanced worms and added the angry trait [*] Battlefield learning now divides experience among all units with this skill [*] Eliminated duplicate dungeons on worldmap [*] Beastmaster trait now has a chance to summon a creature in battles [*] Added visual effect for aura of protection [*] Changed idol model [*] Added a forfeit button in the arena [*] Added visual effect for dust storms in battlefields [*] Fat frogs now have better battle animations [*] Nerfed tigers damage [*] Rebalanced prayers [*] New worldmap object: grandma [*] Nerfed income formula [/list] [h3]Fixes [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed mount object on slingers [*] Fixed reduced defense status effect going into the negatives [*] Fixed some units localization [*] Fixed tooltips for lairs and catacboms [*] Fixed some diseases [*] Fixed protect AI [*] Fixed about 50 item descriptions [*] Fixed push and pull formula [*] Fixed portal tooltip [*] Fixed nasty crown not being worn on helmet slot [*] Fixed issue where battle would not end until all units from carriers were spawned [*] Fixed clipping issues with models on the worldmap [*] Fixed issue where lairs would never spawn [/list]