Update 0.705

Rogues Don't Cry

Rogues Don't Cry is a mix of roguelike and strategy game. Choose your hero, build an army, explore and fight enemies in a harsh procedurally generated world, with semi permadeath and a strong final boss.

Hi everyone, Here are the highlights from latest update. [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Added enable/disable shadows [*] Added framerate cap [*] Added Vsync [*] Added unlockables starting units and starting store [*] Units that gain xp via the battlefield learning skill now show up in the end battle screen for clarity [*] Improved single equipment loot on worldmap [*] Improved fonts legibility [*] Added MHP as a resistance to freeze attacks , improved defrost speed [*] Increased ghost speed and experience [*] Late game mobs now spawn earlier. [*] Increased chances for high lvl spawns [*] Improved catapult sound effect [*] Increased protection prayer efficiency [*] Wolverines now gain fast attack speed [*] Bears have now longer reach [*] Changed arena so it has random duels every 5 days [*] Changed town upgrades for units: rebalanced xp gains and wage bonus, added health regen bonus [*] High lvl skills have now higher chances to appear when hero is high level [/list] [h3]Fixes [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed close combat movement equation where small creatures had maneuvering problems [*] Fixed attack anim glitch [*] Fixed issue where the attack ready UI bar would not display the correct value after a canceled attack. [*] Fixed a couple of missing translations [*] Fixed many UI glitches [*] Fixed arena coin display [*] Fixed glitch when exiting dust storms [*] Fixed bug with cloak of learning [*] Fixed bug where dead units would gain xp from battlefield learning [*] Fixed dungeon traps disease power [*] Fixed battlefield for battle wave object [*] Fixed battlewave UI [*] Fixed final boss would not attack + fixed sound effects [*] Fixed sound gate that was out of sink [*] Fixed turret bug when they ran out of ammo [*] Fixed single click select glitch with unit battle panel [*] Fixed atkdown and defdown status effects [*] Fixed worlmap speed for enemies [*] Fixed damage popup for yetis [*] Fixed bug with dungeon treasures that were too low level [*] Fixed bug where enemy ammo was replenished between battle rounds [*] Fixed bug when switching gear with a 2 handed weapons equipped and a shield in backpack [/list]