Hotline Miami x Dark Souls. Greatswords, demons, miniguns; up to 4 players. You are not prepared.
[h2][b]Key changes:[/b][/h2]
[*]Enemy AI has been significantly improved (see below)
[*]Item durability has been removed from the game
[h3]AI changes:[/h3]
[*] Enemies avoid hazards and navigate levels much more consistently
[*] Spell effect zones now impact enemy pathing/avoidance
[*] Enemies may now avoid committing to attacks while a hazard/barrier is between them and their target
[*] Enemies detect and react to threats more consistently
[*] Enemy speech barks have been revised
[*] Human enemies are now more vocal about their internal understanding of the world
[*] Certain enemies can now partake in "activities" while not in combat (patrolling, etc)
[*] Characters in the prologue now are connected to the full AI system/path more intelligently
[h3]Stealth Changes[/h3]
[*] Sneaking is now more consistent / intuitive (may still need tuning though, I'll watch for feedback)
[*] The AI Vision/Hearing systems has been revised
[*] Entities now take a brief period of time to react to sounds
[*] Once alerted, enemies will search for enemies/threats
[*] There is now a "visibility" indicator while stealthing that indicates how much light is on you
[*] Undisciplined enemies now can have an explicit "startled" animation+shout when they are alerted
[*] Startled enemies can now alert nearby allies to their perceived threat
[*] There are now various popup tutorials about stealth and how light/sound affect it
[*] The "Shadow's Veil" cloak now actually makes you harder to see while stealthing
[h3]Parry Changes[/h3]
[*] Enemies stay in a parried state spin for slightly longer + travel slightly slower
[*] Running/lunging attacks detect if they are chasing a target and, if so, travel for a longer/farther distance to reach them
[*] There are now tutorials for Parrying
[h3]Codex Changes[/h3]
[*] The Codex is now available during the Descent
[*] The Codex's layout has been simplified
[h3]Other Changes:[/h3]
[*] Dropping carried item is now "hold down on D-pad" on gamepad (instead of Hold A/X + down)
[*] The Prologue now contains a shortcut gate that can be persistently opened across runs, shortening future runs to the boss
[*] The "You Decend Even deeper" screen has been removed
[*] Bosses no longer have on-character speech barks
[*] Obelisks with directions below now have a blue light (to visually distinguish them from Vitae and link to Maria)
[*] The "static" first Descent now only lasts for a single run (instead of until you defeat the first boss) - it repeating seemed to be more frustrating than helpful
[*] The red vitae orbs embedded in the central pillar of nexus rooms can now be shattered for health pickups
[*] Keybinding now works properly when paused in the Descent
[*] Every Unity-referencing null-coalescing operator has been removed (these seem the most likely culprit for in-build crashes on entity deaths)
[*] The game should be able to recover if VRAM issues cause render textures to be wiped