The Interception Update (Patch 0.14.0) is ready for download

A-Spec First Assault

Engaging space combat simulator, using a realistic flight system with Newtonian physics, sophisticated and diverse gameplay featuring detailed ship systems, including ship weaponry and module customization.

[b]Patch Notes 0.14.0[/b] [i]Overview[/i] [list] [*]New Interceptor Corvette (Avdiivka) [*]New passive modules to enhance your ship [*]Bugs fixes, improvements and balance changes [/list] [i]Known Issues[/i] [list] [*]Autospeed match 'close' setting does not work as expected [*]Colliders for Fighter, Gunship, Carrier, and Large Transport are not optimized for best-fitting [*]Jump-out animations are not scaled correctly for ships bigger than a gunship [/list] [i]Added[/i] [list] [*]Avdiivka Interceptor Corvette (Unlocked from completing Chapter 1 Mission 3) [*]Armour plating module small and medium modules [*]Explosive Armour Protection small and medium modules [*]Kinetic Armour Protection small and medium modules [*]Additional icons for module items [*]New module inventory items are unlocked progressing through chapter 2 missions [*]Player fleet size increased to 3 after completing Chapter 2 Mission 3 [*]Progress rewards will be retroactively unlocked based on players current progress [/list] [i]Changed[/i] [list] [*]Balancing Ships to allow the player to approach at target strategically affecting ship Mass, Armour/Hull HP, max speed and acceleration/deceleration for velocity and rotation [*]Percentages are now used for all module stats displays [*]Amended text layout for Loading a saved preset in ship fitting to limit text wrapping from long equipment item names [*]Adjusted prestige price, fitting, applied stats and their values for module items [*]Module slots now have slot sizes which will only fit the same size module item [*]Starting a tutorial now goes straight into the mission, bypassing the ship selection screen [/list] [i]Fixed[/i] [list] [*]The mouse cursor was never visible on the 1st time welcome screen [*]Ship stats displays for Yaw/Pitch/Roll and Horizontal/Vertical for acceleration are not updated in the ship fitting screen when modules applied [*]Null reference errors on ship loadouts with multiple launcher groups [*]Weapon models not being updated in fitting screen preview when added and/or removed [*]Null Reference error caused exiting the Vessel Fitting screen and then going straight back into it, preventing loadouts from being displayed correctly [/list]