A-Spec First Assault May Progress Update

A-Spec First Assault

Engaging space combat simulator, using a realistic flight system with Newtonian physics, sophisticated and diverse gameplay featuring detailed ship systems, including ship weaponry and module customization.

Read on for May development progress for A-Spec First Assault and what will appear in the next patch. [h2]Chapter 3 Story Missions[/h2] I have two of the three missions fully scripted for Chapter 3. The 2nd mission was quite the challenge. All the scripting occurred inside a single Navpoint (for reference you transition to additional Navpoints via autopilot). This leaves the 3rd mission to be scripted. Then the briefing and debriefings need to writing for all. Given how long the first two Chapter 3 missions took to script I needed a bit of a break from scripting and reflect on the overall story. [h2]Side Missions[/h2] Chapter 3 side missions require extra consideration before scripting starts. [h2]Background Scenery[/h2] To clear my palette from scripting missions, I decided to improve the capabilities of the skybox and for the last week working on implementing modular backgrounds sourced from this [url=https://carloswilkes.com/#ModularBackgrounds]awesome creator[/url]. The modular backgrounds are various celestial bodies combined to replace or supplement the skybox. This is all coded in the level editor I use to script all missions and will allow me to create unique celestial backgrounds per mission and Navpoint. It’s mostly complete and functional and just needs to include all types of modular backgrounds and provide some additional options (i.e. lighting settings). FYI the level editor is not publicly available in A-Spec. TBH with all the changes I have made since Absolute Territory, it is not as user-friendly. And will remain so at this time. [i]Combining a standard skybox with multiple background elements.[url=https://twitter.com/hashtag/screenshotsaturday?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]#screenshotsaturday[/url] [url=https://t.co/WfQ2gQt6ob]pic.twitter.com/WfQ2gQt6ob[/url] — Digitum Software (@digitumsoftware) [url=https://twitter.com/digitumsoftware/status/1794426379444089254?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]May 25, 2024[/url][/i] [h2]Game Bundles[/h2] A-Spec First Assault is now in the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/40403/ASpec_First_Assault__Operation_Harsh_Doorstop_20_OFF/]A-Spec First Assault & Operation: Harsh Doorstop[/url] bundle. This includes the donation DLC to the free-to-play moddable military multiplayer shooter game [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/736590/Operation_Harsh_Doorstop/]Operation: Harsh Doorstop[/url] with 20% off. [h2]New features[/h2] In addition to PDC's, which [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1608330/view/4194615462176927593]I talked about last month[/url], the next patch release includes some additional features. [list] [*] Primary weapon mounting slots will have size restrictions. [*] Gun Turrets now have a target priority list for each. Depending on the size and weapon type turrets favour smaller or larger craft based on the priority list. The 'fire at will' turret command will ignore the priority list. [*] When a player ship turret is critically damaged and offline the weapons panel will show reflect this and provide the repair time before going online again. [*] The wingmen status panel displays each wingman's order being actioned. [*] A quick actions popup panel for gamepad users to interact with ship actions there are more actions than button combinations with Xbox and PlayStation controllers. It also pauses the action when open. [*] Subsystem damage indicators added to the HUD for the player and the player's target. These indicators change colour to reflect the amount of damage to a subsystem group to provide a quick glance at overall ship performance. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] More bugs found with the more pressing ones squashed into a fine bug paste. If you find a bug, please let me know on either the Discord or the A-Spec Steam forum, explain the problem, and if you can repeat the problem or not. If you can repeat the problem, provide the steps on how to do it, like a list of actions to perform to make the bug happen. Using that I can investigate and follow your steps to replicate the problem, and if I can replicate the problem I can then start working on a fix. If it is a bug that appears often, but also seemingly random, if you are willing to provide a video recording of that moment, it may help. I want to keep A-Spec free of jank and bugs. Most bugs I find myself, which should be the case as I am on the front line. Though I am only one guy, and bugs do fall through, I work quickly to resolve them. Your continued help in identifying is appreciated. [h2]Conclusion[/h2] Thank you for reading. Chapter 3 is taking longer than I expected it to. Though I am happy with the results so far. Once I have added and evaluated all required functionality for the modular backgrounds, I will return back to completing the Chapter 3 missions, including additional side mission types/variants. Thanks for all your support. A-Spec is just the next step on this journey towards making a fun simcade (between arcade-simulation) for space combat enthusiasts. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1608330/ASpec_First_Assault/