A-Spec First Assault launches into Early Access on Steam

A-Spec First Assault

Engaging space combat simulator, using a realistic flight system with Newtonian physics, sophisticated and diverse gameplay featuring detailed ship systems, including ship weaponry and module customization.

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1608330/]A-Spec First Assault is available to buy now on Steam[/url]. Releasing into Early Access, A-Spec First Assault adds a mini prologue campaign designed to introduce new players to concepts and features over 7 missions. Completing the prologue opens the campaign preview with 3 main and 5 side missions. These are the same missions made available in the demo. The skirmish gameplay mode provides quick access into combat with abilities to change the loadout and number of ships on a 1 v 1 team singleplayer with AI teammates. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40523448/86a735c14bde8f960e5f148974fcef58788674ea.gif[/img] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1608330/]A-Spec First Assault[/url] offers a wide range of customization options for each ship. Equip your vessel with an array of primary projectile guns and secondary missile launchers, bolstering your frontal assault. Alternatively, opt for turreted guns that provide wider firing arcs, or adopt a balanced approach with a combination of both. Remember, bigger ships deliver greater firepower and make bigger targets. Augment your ship's performance with support modules, bolstering its core systems. Enhance agility, top speed, armor, hull strength, fire rate, firepower, and more, tailoring your vessel to your play style. [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1608330/]Buy now on Steam.[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40523448/7e5e3c12eaba4010c9524d7f3a18ace02d35d40e.gif[/img] [previewyoutube=cWNW8boNa2Q;full][/previewyoutube] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1608330/ASpec_First_Assault/ [b]Patch Notes 0.12.0[/b] [i]Overview[/i] [list] [*]New seven mission prologue serving as an introductory tutorial [*]New ships and weapons to play with [*]General bugfixes and improvements [*]Note: Existing game data from playing previous version will be deleted on first run [/list] [i]Known Issues[/i] [list] [*]Autospeed match 'close' setting does not work as expected [*]Colliders for Fighter, Gunship, Carrier, and Large Transport are not optimized for best fitting [*]Jump-out animations are not scaled correctly for ships bigger than a gunship [*]Guard My Target command is not implemented [/list] [i]Fixed[/i] [list] [*]Carrier and Large Transport ships no longer blink out of existence on death [*]Added missing venting and debris effects onv various ships when they take hull damage [*]When entering into the Campaign Menu, whilst playing through the prologue missions, the player cannot navigate the UI [*]Pressing 'external camera follow target' action should only enable if there is a valid target as strange behaviours occurs otherwise [*]On Exiting a mission the player log message 'Releasing render texture that is set as Camera.targetTexture!' appears [*]Fixed some instances of camera shake not honoring the Gameplay Camera Shake toggle when disabled [*]Quit dialogue for completed primary objectives now displays the keyboard/controller bindings for the Pause action [*]Playing a skimish mission and then playing a campaign mission spawn the first two waypoints in the wrong locations [*]Adjusting the starting distance for skirmish mission from far will move team members further away from player [*]Opponent Frigate distinct debris was not being spawned on death [/list] [i]Added[/i] [list] [*]Seven prologue missions [*]Civilian Tug [*]Civilian Mining Barge [*]Civilian Transport [*]Civilian mining beam turret weapon [*]Blaster Choke/4 primary weapon [*]Large asteroid for prologue 'mining' mission [*]Asteroid Fields [/list] [i]Changed[/i] [list] [*]First time playing will default gameplay FPS to 60 instead of 30 [*]Enemy fighters are better at avoiding non-complex geometry targets during attack runs [*]Cycling turret orders cycle ordered from strict to relaxed turret targeting conditions. [*]Increased range and muzzle speed of Hydracannon (XXS) [/list]